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Once a year, countries that collaborate in the European Surveillance Scheme for Travel Associated Legionnaires’ Disease (EWGLINET) are requested to submit a dataset that provides epidemiological and microbiological information on cases of legionnaires’ disease (nosocomial (hospital-acquired), community and travel related) detected in their country for that year. This paper presents the data collected for 2003 and 2004. For this period, 9166 cases were reported to the dataset by 35 countries, of which 941 cases were associated with outbreaks. Fourteen countries reported a total of 218 detected outbreaks. National infection rates varied between countries from 28.7 to less than one case per million population. This information is valuable in that it allows countries to assess the effectiveness of their national surveillance schemes in detecting cases. Over the two year period, 748 cases were reported to have died, giving a case fatality rate of 8.2%. The lack of detailed epidemiological information on deaths from legionnaires’ disease is highlighted. The establishment of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is seen as an opportunity to develop European collaborations more fully, and to increase further the protection of Europeans from outbreaks of legionnaires’ disease.


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