False-negative results using Neisseria gonorrhoeae porA pseudogene PCR - a clinical gonococcal isolate with an N. meningitidis porA sequence, Australia, March 2011
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsD Whileyd.whiley uq.edu.au
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Citation style for this article: . False-negative results using Neisseria gonorrhoeae porA pseudogene PCR - a clinical gonococcal isolate with an N. meningitidis porA sequence, Australia, March 2011. Euro Surveill. 2011;16(21):pii=19874. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.16.21.19874-en Received: 19 May 2011
The gonococcal porA pseudogene is a popular target for in-house Neisseria gonorrhoeae PCR methods. With this study we present two novel findings: the first case of an N. gonorrhoeae porA pseudogene PCR false-negative result caused by sequence variation, and in the same organism, the first description of a clinical N. gonorrhoeae strain harbouring an N. meningitidis porA sequence.

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