Ceftriaxone treatment failure of pharyngeal gonorrhoea verified by international recommendations, Sweden, July 2010
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsM Unemomagnus.unemo orebroll.se
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Citation style for this article: . Ceftriaxone treatment failure of pharyngeal gonorrhoea verified by international recommendations, Sweden, July 2010. Euro Surveill. 2011;16(6):pii=19792. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.16.06.19792-en Received: 24 Jan 2011
This report describes one case of verified treatment failure of pharyngeal gonorrhoea using ceftriaxone in Sweden. Previous reports described verified treatment failure of urogenital gonorrhoea using the internationally recommended first-line drug cefixime, but not with ceftriaxone, the last remaining option for empirical treatment of gonorrhoea. Enhanced awareness of clinical failures, pharmacodynamic considerations, follow-up and test of cure, adherence to appropriate case management and treatment guidelines as well as verification/falsification of presumed clinical treatment failures should be emphasised worldwide.

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