Surveillance and outbreak reports Open Access
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To enhance surveillance for influenza-like illness (ILI) in Denmark, a year-round electronic reporting system was established in collaboration with the Danish medical on-call service (DMOS). In order to achieve real-time surveillance of ILI, a checkbox for ILI was inserted in the electronic health record and a system for daily transfer of data to the national surveillance centre was implemented. The weekly number of all consultations in DMOS was around 60,000, and activity of ILI peaked in week 46 of 2009 when 9.5% of 73,723 consultations were classified as ILI. The incidence of ILI reached a maximum on 16 November 2009 for individuals between five and 24 years of age, followed by peaks in children under five years, adults aged between 25 and 64 years and on 27 November in senior citizens (65 years old or older). In addition to the established influenza surveillance system, this novel system was useful because it was timelier than the sentinel surveillance system and allowed for a detailed situational analysis including subgroup analysis on a daily basis.


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