Outbreak of paediatric myocarditis associated with parvovirus B19 infection in Italy, January to October 2024
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsMarco Poetamarco.poeta unina.it
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Collaborators of the Paediatric INF-ACT Network Study Group: Andrea Lo Vecchio, Sandra Trapani, Anna Maria Musolino, Giovanni Meliota, Matteo Scalpelli, Antonietta Giannattasio, Amelia Licari, Daniele Donà, Emanuele Monda, Giulia Ranucci, Simona Marra, Antonio Guerriero, Valeria Garbo, Federica PaganoView Citation Hide Citation
Citation style for this article: . Outbreak of paediatric myocarditis associated with parvovirus B19 infection in Italy, January to October 2024. Euro Surveill. 2024;29(48):pii=2400746. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2024.29.48.2400746 Received: 11 Nov 2024; Accepted: 28 Nov 2024
Acute myocarditis has risen among paediatric patients in Italy, with 65 clinically suspected cases reported by 12 centres in 2024, 32 linked to parvovirus B19 (B19V) infection. In 11 cases, B19V was not ruled out despite a concurrent European outbreak. Twenty-nine children required intensive care; eight fatalities occurred. While effective for both severe B19V infection and myocarditis, intravenous immunoglobulins were given in only one-third of cases. These findings highlight the need for timely diagnosis, stronger surveillance, and standardised treatment protocols.

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