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Meningococcus () is the causative bacteria of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD), a major cause of meningitis and sepsis. In 2015–16, an outbreak caused by serogroup C meningococci (MenC), belonging to the hyperinvasive strain ST-11(cc-11), resulted in 62 IMD cases in the region of Tuscany, Italy.


We aimed to estimate the key outbreak parameters and assess the impact of interventions used in the outbreak response.


We developed a susceptible-carrier-susceptible individual-based model of MenC transmission, accounting for transmission in households, schools, discos/clubs and the general community, which was informed by detailed data on the 2015–16 outbreak (derived from epidemiological investigations) and on the implemented control measures.


The outbreak reproduction number (R) was 1.35 (95% prediction interval: 1.13–1.47) and the IMD probability was 4.6 for every 1,000 new MenC carriage episodes (95% confidence interval: 1.8–12.2). The interventions, i.e. chemoprophylaxis and vaccination of close contacts of IMD cases as well as age-targeted vaccination, were effective in reducing R and ending the outbreak. Case-based interventions (including ring vaccination) alone would have been insufficient to achieve outbreak control. The definition of age groups to prioritise vaccination had a critical impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of control measures.


Our findings suggest that there are no effective alternatives to widespread reactive vaccination during outbreaks of highly transmissible MenC strains. Age-targeted campaigns can increase the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns. These results can be instrumental to define effective guidelines for the control of future meningococcal outbreaks caused by hypervirulent strains.


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