Autochthonous dengue in mainland France, 2022: geographical extension and incidence increase
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAmandine Cochetamandine.cochet santepubliquefrance.fr
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Investigation team: Michèle Auzet-Caillaud, Catherine Aventini, Alice Borel, Christiane Bruel, Anne Decoppet, Maurin Gossa, Mounira Krouk, Chloé Laboureyras, Alexia Mazza, Marie Mihoubi, Alexandra Muriel, Françoise Peloux-Petiot, Clément Piétin, Jérôme Raibaut, Laurent Saintillan, Camille Schmitt, Monique Travanut, Camille Vassal, Patricia Albert, Léa Bulmanski-Then, Cédric Cahuzac, Laura Catala, Aline Cot, Pierre-Marie Creton, Angélique Dubois, Jean Sébastien Dehecq, Isabelle Estève-Moussion, Fanny Gaillard, Christine Giraud, Olivier Glass, Vincent Lagarde, Aurélie Larrose, Catherine Lecerf, Radia Ould Larabi, Blandine Maes, Guylaine Peiffer, Christine Rico, Isabelle Rouvié-Laurie, Nicolas Roux, Giselle Santana, Nicolas Sauthier, Sarah Sellami, Stéphane Wagner, Betty Zumbo, , Estelle Balle, Lauranne Coiplet, Stéphanie Gaucher, Gabriel Leccia,, Delphine Morel,, Fabienne Jouanthoua,, Lorène Belkadi, Oriane Broustal, Cécile Durand, Damien Mouly, Gabriel Yubero, Adeline Riondel, Leila Bekheira, David Kelly, Isabelle Mertens-Rondelart, Miguel-Angel Sanchez-Ruiz, Yvan Souares, Nathan Yanwou,, Alexia Barbry, Thibaut Durand, Anne Ovize, Anaïs Soares,, Bénédicte Roquebert, Laura Verdurme,, Jean-Michel Mansuy, Hugues Aumaître,, Lionel Chanaud, Grégory L’Ambert, Yves-Marie Kervella,, Guillaume Lacour, Antoine Mignotte, Charles Tizon,, Anthony Biancarelli, Jean-Luc Maestracci, Barthélémy Pompa, Jean-Baptiste SantoniView Citation Hide Citation
Citation style for this article: . Autochthonous dengue in mainland France, 2022: geographical extension and incidence increase. Euro Surveill. 2022;27(44):pii=2200818. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.44.2200818 Received: 21 Oct 2022; Accepted: 02 Nov 2022
France faced an unusual situation of dengue transmission in 2022, with 65 autochthonous cases spread over nine transmission events by 21 October. This exceeded the number of cases observed during the entire period 2010 to 2021. Six of these events occurred in departments that had never experienced autochthonous dengue transmission. We provide an update of dengue surveillance data in mainland France in 2022. The multiplication of transmission events calls for continuous adaption of preparedness and response to arbovirus-related risks.

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