Outbreaks Open Access
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Between 1 July and 26 October 2019 in Andalusia, Spain, a large outbreak with 207 confirmed cases of listeriosis was identified. Confirmed cases had a median age of 44 years (range: 0–94) and 114 were women (55.1%). Most cases (n = 154) had mild gastroenteritis, 141 (68.1%) required hospitalisation and three died; five of 34 pregnant women had a miscarriage. The median incubation period was 1 day (range: 0–30), and was significantly shorter in cases presenting with gastroenteritis compared to those presenting without gastroenteritis (1 day vs. 3 days, respectively, p value < 0.001). Stuffed pork, a ready-to-eat product consumed unheated, from a single producer contaminated with ST388 was identified as the source of infection. The outbreak strain was identified in 189 human samples and 87 non-human (82 food and 5 environmental) samples. Notification of new cases declined abruptly after control measures were implemented. These included contaminated food recall, protocols for clinical management of suspected cases and for post-exposure prophylaxis in pregnant women and communication campaigns with concise messages to the population through social media. Given that there were 3,059 probable cases, this was the largest outbreak ever reported in Europe.


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