Characteristics of the delayed respiratory syncytial virus epidemic, 2020/2021, Rhône Loire, France
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsJean-Sébastien Casalegnojean-sebastien.casalegno chu-lyon.fr
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VRS study group in Lyon: Antoine Ouziel, Jean-claude Tardy, Pascal Gaucherand, Luc Panetta, Jerome Massardier, Stephanie Polazzi, Antoine Duclos, Mehdi Benchaib, Regine Cartier, Marine Jourdain, Michelle Ottmann, Rolf Kramer, Sylvie Fiorini, Nathalie Rivat, Yahia Mekki, Julie Fort-Jacquier, Maud-Catherine Barral, Vey Noelie, Julie Haesebaert, Come Horvat, Leo Vidoni, Jean-Marc Reynes, Jean-Francois Eleouet, Laurence Josset, Matthieu ReceveurView Citation Hide Citation
Citation style for this article: . Characteristics of the delayed respiratory syncytial virus epidemic, 2020/2021, Rhône Loire, France. Euro Surveill. 2021;26(29):pii=2100630. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.29.2100630 Received: 24 Jun 2021; Accepted: 21 Jul 2021
The Rhône-Loire metropolitan areas’ 2020/21 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) epidemic was delayed following the implementation of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI), compared with previous seasons. Very severe lower respiratory tract infection incidence among infants ≤ 3 months decreased twofold, the proportion of cases among children aged > 3 months to 5 years increased, and cases among adults > 65 years were markedly reduced. NPI appeared to reduce the RSV burden among at-risk groups, and should be promoted to minimise impact of future RSV outbreaks.

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