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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the most important challenges in modern clinical practice. The European regulatory network has a strategy to support prevention of AMR by applying specific referral procedures.


The aim of this study was to evaluate post-authorisation changes made in the product information of key antibiotics that underwent referral procedures between 2007 and 2020.


In a comprehensive analysis of the changes made for antibiotics, we extracted information on changes from the European Commission community register of medicinal products and the European Medicines Agency’s database for antibiotics that went through referrals. Changes made in the specific sections of the summary of product characteristics of each referral procedure were scrutinised.


We identified 15 antibiotics from seven classes of antibiotics during the study period. The outcome of all referrals included the restriction of antibiotic use. Therapeutic indications were revised for all antibiotics, with septicaemia and gonorrhoea most common diseases removed. Posology and/or method of administration was updated for all; the majority of referrals included adjustment of dosage for specific populations. Information on contraindication (most regarding hypersensitivity) and information on warnings was amended for all referrals.


Our findings highlight the importance of the regulatory actions. The changes made in the product information aim to ensure appropriate use. Ongoing harmonisation activities are likely to lead to further refinements and restrictions on individual antibiotics in support of rational use. However, further research is required to examine the impact of post-referral label changes on the clinical practice.


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