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Carbapenemase-producing are increasing worldwide. In recent years, an increase in OXA-244-producing isolates has been seen in the national surveillance of carbapenemase-producing organisms in Denmark.


Molecular characterisation and epidemiological investigation of OXA-244-producing isolates from January 2016 to August 2019.


For the epidemiological investigation, data from the Danish National Patient Registry and the Danish register of civil registration were used together with data from phone interviews with patients. Isolates were characterised by analysing whole genome sequences for resistance genes, MLST and core genome MLST (cgMLST).


In total, 24 OXA-244-producing isolates were obtained from 23 patients. Among the 23 patients, 13 reported travelling before detection of the isolates, with seven having visited countries in Northern Africa. Fifteen isolates also carried an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase gene and one had a plasmid-encoded AmpC gene. The most common detected sequence type (ST) was ST38, followed by ST69, ST167, ST10, ST361 and ST3268. Three clonal clusters were detected by cgMLST, but none of these clusters seemed to reflect nosocomial transmission in Denmark.


Import of OXA-244 isolates from travelling abroad seems likely for the majority of cases. Community sources were also possible, as many of the patients had no history of hospitalisation and many of the isolates belonged to STs that are present in the community. It was not possible to point at a single country or a community source as risk factor for acquiring OXA-244-producing .


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