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- Volume 24, Issue 36, 05/Sep/2019
Eurosurveillance - Volume 24, Issue 36, 05 September 2019
Volume 24, Issue 36, 2019
- Rapid communication
Two cases of multidrug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae related to travel in south-eastern Asia, France, June 2019
We report two cases of multidrug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae urogenital infection with ceftriaxone resistance in a heterosexual couple in south-western France who were successfully treated with a single, high dose of intramuscular ceftriaxone (1 g). Whole genome sequencing of isolate F91 identified MLST13871, NG-MAST1086, NG-STAR233. Patient history revealed the isolate F91 was most likely acquired during a trip to Cambodia and belongs to the successful multidrug-resistant FC428 Asian clone.
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- Outbreaks
Salmonellosis outbreak with novel Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype (11:z41:e,n,z15) attributable to sesame products in five European countries, 2016 to 2017
Anika Meinen , Sandra Simon , Sangeeta Banerji , Istvan Szabo , Burkhard Malorny , Maria Borowiak , Sead Hadziabdic , Natalie Becker , Petra Luber , Dorothee Lohr , Carolin Harms , Anita Plenge-Bönig , Kassiani Mellou , Georgia Mandilara , Joël Mossong , Catherine Ragimbeau , Pierre Weicherding , Patrick Hau , Daniela Dědičová , Lucie Šafaříková , Satheesh Nair , Timothy J Dallman , Lesley Larkin , Jacquelyn McCormick , Elizabeth De Pinna , Ettore Severi , Saara Kotila , Taina Niskanen , Valentina Rizzi , Domenico Deserio , Antje Flieger and Klaus StarkIn spring 2016, Greece reported an outbreak caused by a previously undescribed Salmonellaenterica subsp. enterica serotype (antigenic formula 11:z41:e,n,z15) via the Epidemic Intelligence Information System for Food- and Waterborne Diseases and Zoonoses (EPIS-FWD), with epidemiological evidence for sesame products as presumptive vehicle. Subsequently, Germany, Czech Republic, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom (UK) reported infections with this novel serotype via EPIS-FWD. Concerned countries in collaboration with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) adopted a common outbreak case definition. An outbreak case was defined as a laboratory-confirmed notification of the novel Salmonella serotype. Between March 2016 and April 2017, 47 outbreak cases were notified (Greece: n = 22; Germany: n = 13; Czech Republic: n = 5; Luxembourg: n = 4; UK: n = 3). Whole genome sequencing revealed the very close genetic relatedness of isolates from all affected countries. Interviews focusing on sesame product consumption, suspicious food item testing and trace-back analysis following Salmonella spp. detection in food products identified a company in Greece where sesame seeds from different countries were processed. Through European collaboration, it was possible to identify and recall sesame spread as one contaminated food item serving as vehicle of infection and trace it back to its origin.
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- Research
Promoting vaccination in maternity wards ─ motivational interview technique reduces hesitancy and enhances intention to vaccinate, results from a multicentre non-controlled pre- and post-intervention RCT-nested study, Quebec, March 2014 to February 2015
BackgroundMany countries are grappling with growing numbers of parents who delay or refuse recommended vaccinations for their children. This has created a need for strategies to address vaccine hesitancy (VH) and better support parental decision-making regarding vaccination.
AimTo assess vaccination intention (VI) and VH among parents who received an individual motivational-interview (MI) based intervention on infant immunisation during post-partum stay at a maternity ward between March 2014 and February 2015.
MethodsThis non-controlled pre-/post-intervention study was conducted using the results from parents enrolled in the intervention arm of the PromoVaQ randomised control trial (RCT), which was conducted in four maternity wards across the Province of Quebec. Participants (n = 1,223) completed pre- and post-intervention questionnaires on VI and VH using Opel’s score. Pre-/post-intervention measures were compared using McNemar’s test for categorical variables and Wilcoxon signed-rank test for continuous variables.
ResultsPre-intervention: overall VI was 78% and significantly differed across maternity wards (74%, 77%, 84%, 79%, p = 0.02). Post-intervention: VI rose significantly across maternity wards (89%, 85%, 95%, 93%) and the overall increase in VI was 12% (78% vs 90%, p < 0.0001). VH corroborated these observations, pre- vs post-intervention, for each maternity ward (28% vs 16%, 29% vs 21%, 27% vs 17%, 24% vs 13%). Overall, VH was curbed post-intervention by 40% (27% vs 16%; p < 0.0001).
ConclusionsCompared with pre-intervention status, participants who received the MI-based intervention on immunisation displayed lower hesitancy and greater intention to vaccinate their infant at 2 months of age.
The United Kingdom Field Epidemiology Training Programme: meeting programme objectives
IntroductionMost evaluations of field epidemiology training programmes (FETP) are limited to process measures, but stakeholders may need evidence of impact.
ObjectiveTo ascertain if the United Kingdom (UK) FETP met its objectives to: (i) strengthen capacity and provision of national epidemiology services, (ii) develop a network of highly skilled field epidemiologists with a shared sense of purpose working to common standards and (iii) raise the profile of field epidemiology through embedding it into everyday health protection practice.
MethodsThe evaluation consisted of: (i) focus groups with training site staff, (ii) individual interviews with stakeholders and (iii) an online survey of FETP fellows and graduates. Findings were synthesised and triangulated across the three evaluation components to identify cross-cutting themes and subthemes.
FindingsEight focus groups were undertaken with 38 staff, ten stakeholders were interviewed and 28 (76%) graduates and fellows responded to the survey. Three themes emerged: confidence, application and rigour. FETP was perceived to have contributed to the development, directly and indirectly, of a skilled workforce in field epidemiology, increasing stakeholders’ confidence in the service. Graduates applied their learning in practice, collaborating with a wide range of disciplines. Fellows and graduates demonstrated rigour by introducing innovations, supporting service improvements and helping supervisors maintain their skills and share good practice.
ConclusionThe UK FETP appears to have met its three key objectives, and also had wider organisational impact. FETPs should systematically and prospectively collect information on how they have influenced changes to field epidemiology practice.
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Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR
Victor M Corman , Olfert Landt , Marco Kaiser , Richard Molenkamp , Adam Meijer , Daniel KW Chu , Tobias Bleicker , Sebastian Brünink , Julia Schneider , Marie Luisa Schmidt , Daphne GJC Mulders , Bart L Haagmans , Bas van der Veer , Sharon van den Brink , Lisa Wijsman , Gabriel Goderski , Jean-Louis Romette , Joanna Ellis , Maria Zambon , Malik Peiris , Herman Goossens , Chantal Reusken , Marion PG Koopmans and Christian Drosten
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