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- Volume 22, Issue 50, 14/Dec/2017
Eurosurveillance - Volume 22, Issue 50, 14 December 2017

Volume 22, Issue 50, 2017
- Rapid communication
Influenza A(H3N2) virus variants and patient characteristics during a summer influenza epidemic in Taiwan, 2017
We report a summer influenza epidemic caused by co-circulation of multiple influenza A(H3N2) variants in clade 3C.2a. Compared with other clades, a putative clade 3C.2a.3a was more commonly isolated from severely ill patients; 3C.2a.4 was more commonly isolated in outbreak cases. Time from vaccination to illness onset was significantly shorter in severely ill patients infected with clade 3C.2a.3; characteristics and outcomes of patients infected with different clades were similar. No resistance to antiviral medications was found.
Cross-border outbreak of listeriosis caused by cold-smoked salmon, revealed by integrated surveillance and whole genome sequencing (WGS), Denmark and France, 2015 to 2017
In August 2017, an outbreak of six listeriosis cases in Denmark was traced to cold-smoked salmon, using epidemiological investigations and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analyses. Exchange of genome sequences allowed identification in France of a food isolate from a salmon-derived product and a human isolate from 2016 within the same cgMLST cluster as the Danish isolates (L2-SL8-ST8-CT771). The salmon product came from a third European Union country. WGS can rapidly link human cases and food isolates across Europe.
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- Surveillance and outbreak report
Re-evaluation of a 2014 multi-country European outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 14b using recent epidemiological and molecular data
A European multi-country outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis phage type (PT) 14b occurred from March to November 2014 associated with the consumption of eggs. The outbreak involved more than 400 human cases from France, Luxembourg, Austria and the United Kingdom. In 2016–2017, it has been re-evaluated combining recent epidemiological results with latest molecular data. The outbreak was traced back to one large Bavarian egg producer with four distinct premises, three located in Bavaria, one in the Czech Republic. The outbreak isolates of S. Enteritidis PT 14b were grouped into three closely related clades by whole genome sequencing. Two of these clades could be referred to two Bavarian premises of the egg producer on the basis of epidemiological and molecular data, while epidemiological data presumably linked the third clade to another premises of the egg producer. Interestingly and in contrast to the situation in other European countries where several outbreaks were documented, all notified 91 laboratory-confirmed cases of S. Enteritidis PT 14b from Bavaria were sporadic, singular cases not belonging to any epidemiological outbreaks. In conclusion, as demonstrated here, the resolution of food-related outbreaks with such a high discriminatory power is rare in outbreak investigation.
Secular trends in incidence of acute gastroenteritis in general practice, France, 1991 to 2015
We analysed 25 years of general practitioner (GP) visits for acute gastroenteritis (AG) surveillance in France, by the GP Sentinelles network. We searched for time trends of acute gastroenteritis incidence during winter periods. Data from emergency departments and drug reimbursement were additional data sources. A time-series analysis was performed using a generalised additive model for all data sources for the winter period. Virological data were incorporated and compared with the three data sources. The cumulative incidence of GP visits for winter AG exhibited an increasing trend from 1991 until 2008, when it reached 6,466 per 100,000 inhabitants. It decreased thereafter to 3,918 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2015. This decreasing trend was observed for all age groups and confirmed by the generalised additive model. For emergency department visits a decreasing trend was observed from 2004. Drug reimbursement data analyses demonstrated a decreasing trend from when data began in 2009. The incidence reported by GPs and emergency departments was lower following the emergence of norovirus GII.4 2012 (p < 0.0001). Winter AG incidences seem to follow long-term rising and decreasing trends that are important to monitor through continuous surveillance to evaluate the impact of prevention strategies, such as future immunisation against acute viral gastroenteritis.
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- Research article
A benefit–risk analysis of rotavirus vaccination, France, 2015
IntroductionTwo vaccines available for protection against rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE), Rotarix and RotaTeq, have contributed to a large decrease in the incidence of paediatric diarrhoea in countries where they have been used. However, they have also led to a small increase in the risk of intussusception. Methods: We compare the number of prevented hospitalisations for RVGE to the number of vaccine-induced hospitalised intussusceptions in France. Results: With 9.5% coverage (French 2015 estimation), vaccination was estimated to prevent, annually, a median of 1,074 hospitalisations (2.5th and 97.5th percentiles (2.5th–97.5th): 810–1,378) and 1.4 deaths (2.5th–97.5th: 1.2–1.6) from RVGE. It was also estimated to cause, annually, 5.0 hospitalisations (2.5th–97.5th: 3.2–7.7) and 0.005 deaths (2.5th–97.5th: 0.001–0.015) from intussusception. The benefit–risk ratio is therefore 214 (2.5th–97.5th: 128–362) for hospitalisations and 273 (2.5th–97.5th: 89–1,228) for deaths. Under a hypothetical 92% coverage, rotavirus vaccination with Rotarix would avoid 10,459 (2.5th–97.5th: 7,702–13,498) hospitalisations for RVGE and induce 47.0 (2.5th–97.5th: 25.1–81.4) hospitalisations for intussusception annually, thereby preventing 13.7 (2.5th–97.5th: 11.1–15.2) deaths and inducing 0.05 (2.5th–97.5th: 0.01–0.15) deaths. Conclusion: The benefit–risk ratio in France is similar to that of other European countries.
Epidemiology of hand, foot and mouth disease in China, 2008 to 2015 prior to the introduction of EV-A71 vaccine
Bingyi Yang , Fengfeng Liu , Qiaohong Liao , Peng Wu , Zhaorui Chang , Jiao Huang , Lu Long , Li Luo , Yu Li , Gabriel M. Leung , Benjamin J. Cowling and Hongjie YuIntroductionHand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is usually caused by several serotypes from human enterovirus A species, including enterovirus 71 (EV-A71) and coxsackievirus A16 (CV-A16). Two inactivated monovalent EV-A71 vaccines have been recently licensed in China and monovalent CV-A16 vaccine and bivalent EV-A71 and CV-A16 vaccine are under development. Methods: Using notifications from the national surveillance system, we describe the epidemiology and dynamics of HFMD in the country, before the introduction of EV-A71 vaccination, from 2008 through 2015. Results: Laboratory-identified serotype categories, i.e. CV-A16, EV-A71 and other enteroviruses, circulated annually. EV-A71 remained the most virulent serotype and was the major serotype for fatal cases (range: 88.5–95.4%) and severe cases (range: 50.7–82.3%) across years. Except for 2013 and 2015, when other enteroviruses were more frequently found in mild HFMD (48.8% and 52.5%), EV-A71 was more frequently detected from mild cases in the rest of the years covered by the study (range: 39.4–52.6%). The incidence rates and severity risks of HFMD associated with all serotype categories were the highest for children aged 1 year and younger, and decreased with increasing age. Discussion/conclusion: This study provides baseline epidemiology for evaluation of vaccine impact and potential serotype replacement.
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- Miscellaneous
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