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The Basic Surveillance Network was started in 2000 and is one of the networks on infectious diseases funded by the European Commission. The network collects and makes readily available basic surveillance data on infectious diseases from all the 'old' (pre-2004) European Union member states. The aim is to provide easy access to descriptive data that already exist in national databases, so that it is possible to monitor and compare incidence trends for infectious diseases in the EU member states. The list of diseases covered by the network has recently been expanded from 10 initial 'pilot' diseases to over 40 diseases listed by the EU to be under surveillance. In the near future, the new member states will be invited to participate in the network. Data are case-based and comprise date of onset of disease, age and sex. Only a very short list of disease specific additional variables, such as country of infection or immunisation status, is collected. Classification of cases ( possible, probable, confirmed) is specified according to EU case definitions. The participants of the network have access to an internal web site were all the data is presented in tables and graphs. An open website is available for the public at https://www.eubsn.org./BSN/


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