Surveillance report Open Access


HIV infection in Spain was monitored in persons undergoing voluntary HIV testing in ten sentinel clinics between 1992 and 2002. Only patients on their first visit were considered for inclusion, and their numbers rose from 4426 in 1992 to 6649 in 2002. Most of them recognised their risk exposure as heterosexual. The proportion of injecting drug users decreased from 19% to 2% of the study population, and the proportion of female sex workers increased from 6% to 26%. The number of patients diagnosed with HIV infection declined from 604 in 1992 to 153 in 2002, and HIV prevalence fell from 13.6% to 2.3% in the same period. In all risk exposure categories, a decrease in HIV prevalence was observed, more pronounced during the first few years and stabilised in the later years. In 2002, the highest HIV prevalence was found in injecting drug users (IDUs) (14.2%), homo/bisexual men (7.5%) and individuals who had an HIV infected heterosexual partner (10.2%).


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