Surveillance of human Campylobacter infections in France - Part 1 - Which data? A study of microbiological laboratories, 2000
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Citation style for this article: . Surveillance of human Campylobacter infections in France - Part 1 - Which data? A study of microbiological laboratories, 2000. Euro Surveill. 2003;8(11):pii=431. https://doi.org/10.2807/esm.08.11.00431-en
The frequency of Campylobacter infections in humans, their potential severity, and the existence of preventive measures justify the implementation of a surveillance system for these infections. Before the implementation of the surveillance system, a survey of the Campylobacter diagnostic practices in the laboratories was performed. In the laboratories that responded, most investigated for Campylobacter at least once in 1999. Identification of the Campylobacter species was carried out by 86% of hospital laboratories and 37% of private laboratories. Antibiotic sensitivity tests were carried out by 75% and 32% of them respectively. Many laboratories test for Campylobacter in stool samples using comparable methods showing the feasibility of a surveillance system.

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