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A wide range of diseases is associated with enteroviruses. They are reported to be responsible for viral meningitis, especially in children, but also in adults. This study analysed infection with eight selected coxsackievirus serotypes as the cause of aseptic meningitis in 480 patients in Slovakia from 2005 to 2009, using a quantitative assay for the detection of intrathecal antibodies. Intrathecal production of antibodies against selected coxsackieviruses was proved in 21% of these patients. A significant decrease from 35% in 2005 to 8,5% in 2009 (p=0.004) in the proportion of patients with proven intrathecal production of virus-specific antibodies was observed during the study period. We conclude that coxsackievirus B4 was the endemic serotype in Slovakia and was responsible for most cases of coxsackieviral meningitis in the study period.


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