Spotlight on measles 2010: A measles outbreak in a Roma population in Pulawy, eastern Poland, June to August 2009
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Citation style for this article: . Spotlight on measles 2010: A measles outbreak in a Roma population in Pulawy, eastern Poland, June to August 2009. Euro Surveill. 2010;15(17):pii=19550. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.15.17.19550-en Received: 05 Mar 2010
We describe a local indigenous outbreak of measles in a susceptible Roma community, which occurred in Pulawy, a town of 50,000 citizens in the Lubelskie province (eastern Poland) during summer 2009. From 22 June to 30 August 2009, 32 measles cases were reported, and additionally nine possible cases were actively identified. A mass immunisation campaign was organised to stop measles transmission in the Roma community. Active surveillance of rash-febrile illnesses allowed documentation of the impact of mass immunisation in preventing further measles spread in the Roma community, and the surrounding population of Pulawy.

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