A simple mathematical approach to deciding the dosage of vaccine against pandemic H1N1 influenza
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsH Nishiurah.nishiura uu.nl
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Citation style for this article: . A simple mathematical approach to deciding the dosage of vaccine against pandemic H1N1 influenza. Euro Surveill. 2009;14(45):pii=19396. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.14.45.19396-en Received: 23 Oct 2009
Results from early clinical trials have shown that a single dose of pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine may generate sufficient antibody response, but the relevance of this fact to public health decision making has yet to be clarified. The present study compares the risk of clinical attack (i.e. clinical attack rate) between one- and two-dose vaccination schemes. If the efficacies do not greatly vary between one- and two -dose schemes, one-dose vaccination may well be supported. Nevertheless, two-dose vaccination is shown to result in less morbidity if the vaccine efficacies are greatly diminished by reducing the dose. As long as the detailed efficacy estimates rest on theoretical assumptions, single-dose vaccination may only be sufficiently justified in a specific setting where the number of vaccines is extremely limited.

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