Outbreak of Clostridium difficile 027 in North Zealand, Denmark, 2008-2009
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsS Baccicci ssi.dk
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Citation style for this article: . Outbreak of Clostridium difficile 027 in North Zealand, Denmark, 2008-2009. Euro Surveill. 2009;14(16):pii=19183. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.14.16.19183-en Received: 17 Apr 2009
We report an outbreak of Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 027 in Denmark. The outbreak includes to date 73 cases from the area north of Copenhagen, but there may be related cases elsewhere in Zealand. Most infections are healthcare-associated and in patients who previously received antibiotic treatment. The strain is resistant to moxifloxacin, erythromycin, and clindamycin, and carries genes for toxin A, toxin B, and for the binary toxin. The antimicrobial pattern differs from that of the strain involved in a small cluster in Denmark in 2006-2007. Because of this outbreak, hygienic measures in the involved hospitals have been reinforced. Nationwide, microbiological laboratories were alerted to the outbreak and encouraged to send isolates for toxin profiling and PCR ribotyping.

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