Surveillance and outbreak reports Open Access
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Infection by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV), which is often asymptomatic at the acute phase, can progress to chronic liver disease, particularly when infection occurs early in life. Hepatitis B is mainly transmitted sexually or through blood or body fluids. Episodes of healthcare-associated transmission of HBV have been previously described [1-3]. Transmission of HBV results either from patient to patient through invasive healthcare procedures with improper disinfection of devices used between patient care or from a patient to a healthcare worker (HCW). Transmission can also take place from a chronically infected HCW to a patient. In those episodes, breaches in healthcare practices and standard precaution play a major role. Prevention of HBV transmission in healthcare settings also relies on the immunisation of HCW, which has been mandatory in France since 1991. HCW are considered immune if they have documented proof that they were vaccinated before 13 years of age, or if a positive anti-HBs antibody test is provided [4].


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