Immediate public health surveillance response to cyclone Chido, Mayotte, 14 December 2024
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsYvan Souaresyvan.souares santepubliquefrance.fr
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The Response Group: Assiati Ahmed, Andani Andjilani, Fatima Ait El Belghiti, Caroline Alleaume, Mélissa Berot, André de Cafarelli, Laura Chaperon, Didier Che, Bruno Coignard, Marion Courtois, Duplexe Dammayao, Fatiha Djabour, Mathieu Epinoux, Julie Figoni, Erica Fougère, Nelly Fournet, Thierry Fouéré, Anne Fouillet, Loïc Grosse, Jérôme Guillevic, Anne Guinard, Jean-Paul Guthmann, Nassim Guy, Valérie Henry, François Herry, Alice Herteau, Guillaume Heuzé, Yasemin Inac, Asli Kilinc, Christine Larsen, Yann Le Strat, Andréa Linard, Philippe Malfait, Arnaud Mathieu, Mathilde Melin, Rahamata Moirabou, Anne Moulin, Harold Noël, Omdati Ousseni, Isabelle Parent du Chatelet, Damien Pognon, Jacques Rosine, Philippe Segura, Arnaud Tarantola, Mathieu Tourdjman, Aymeric Ung, Henriette de Valk, Michel Vernay, Ami YamadaView Citation Hide Citation
Citation style for this article: . Immediate public health surveillance response to cyclone Chido, Mayotte, 14 December 2024. Euro Surveill. 2025;30(6):pii=2500060. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2025.30.6.2500060 Received: 22 Jan 2025; Accepted: 13 Feb 2025
On 14 December 2024, Cyclone Chido caused extensive damage to infrastructures in Mayotte, including water, electricity and communication networks. Health surveillance systems were no longer functional. Santé publique France provided health risk analyses to support local control measures. Malnutrition and dehydration, follow-up care, pregnancy and post-partum complications, mental health, gastrointestinal diseases, bacterial wound superinfections and bronchiolitis were the main risk identified. The preliminary ad hoc surveillance systems confirmed our analyses. We also present lessons learnt 1 month after the event.

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