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As tuberculosis (TB) incidence rates decrease faster in native than migrant populations in European countries, addressing migrant health becomes increasingly important in TB programmes.


To inform European TB prevention and control policies, we analysed data on TB in migrants in low TB-incidence European countries (TB incidence < 10/100,000 population) during 2014–2020 by migrant origin, destination, and recent vs non-recent immigration.


Data on migrant TB patients were derived from the European Surveillance System (TESSy) and data on migrant populations from Eurostat or national statistical offices. We calculated annual migrant TB crude incidence rates (CIRs) per country of origin, destination country and year, for all migrants with TB and recently arrived migrants with TB, the latter defined by TB diagnosis within 1 year after arrival in the destination country.


In 2014–2020, 104,371 migrants with TB were reported to TESSy by 20 destination countries. Average annual migrant CIRs were highest in the United Kingdom (43/100,000). Origin countries of most migrant TB patients were India (n = 9,561), Romania (n = 8,345), and Pakistan (n = 7,300). The highest CIRs were found among migrants from Eritrea (480/100,000), Somalia (414/100,000) and The Gambia (343/100,000), and were higher than estimated World Health Organization incidences for those countries. The CIRs among recently arrived migrants appeared higher than in the overall migrant population.


We found substantially higher CIRs in certain migrant subpopulations than others. TB rates in recent migrants appeared to be up to 11 times higher than in corresponding origin countries. Tailored and regularly adapted TB prevention and control strategies are needed.


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