Developing a European framework for the prevention of communicable diseases: three points for attention
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsDaniel H de Vriesd.devries aighd.org
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Citation style for this article: . Developing a European framework for the prevention of communicable diseases: three points for attention. Euro Surveill. 2024;29(43):pii=2400306. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2024.29.43.2400306 Received: 18 May 2024; Accepted: 25 Jul 2024
The capacity to deliver programmes that prevent and control infectious diseases is a key public health function. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) aims to support and strengthen this capacity in European Union/ European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries as part of its 2021–27 strategy which includes explicit attention to social and behavioural aspects of disease prevention. To achieve its strategic goals, it is important that ECDC improves its knowledge of prevention strategies, actors and activities in EU/EEA countries. In this Perspective, we summarise three challenges to implementing the prevention framework proposed by ECDC: (i) defining, recognising and identifying with ‘prevention’, (ii) integrating new understandings into established ways of thinking, and (iii) the need for more attention to prevention in governance. These challenges are derived from the findings of a project which conducted a preliminary mapping of prevention actors, networks and activities in four EU countries to support the development of a community of practice within the new ECDC prevention framework. This Perspective serves to draw attention to this prevention framework and the three identified challenges for those working on its implementation.
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