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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of acute respiratory infections and hospitalisations in infants (age < 1 year) and young children. Little is known on RSV epidemiology and related inpatient healthcare resource use (HCRU) in Switzerland.


To explore RSV-related hospitalisations, inpatient HCRU and medical costs in all age groups, and risk factors for infant hospitalisations in Switzerland.


We used national hospital registry data from 2003 to 2021 identifying RSV cases with ICD-10-GM codes, and described demographic characteristics, HCRU and associated medical costs of RSV inpatients. The effect of risk factors on infant hospitalisation was estimated with logistic regression.


We observed a general increase and biannual pattern in RSV hospitalisations between 2003/04 and 2018/19, with 3,575 hospitalisations in 2018/19 and 2,487 in 2019/20 before numbers declined in 2020/21 (n = 902). Around two thirds of all hospitalisations occurred in infants. Mean (median) age was 118 (85) days in hospitalised infants and 74 (77) years in hospitalised adult patients (> 18 years); 7.2% of cases required intensive care unit stay. Mean inpatient medical costs were estimated at EUR 8,046. Most (90.8%) hospitalised infants with RSV were born after 35 weeks of gestation without bronchopulmonary dysplasia or congenital heart disease. Low birth weight, gestational age and congenital disorders were associated with a higher risk for hospitalisation.


RSV leads to a substantial number of hospitalisations and peaks in hospital capacity utilisation. Measures to protect all infants from an RSV hospitalisation are essential in addressing this public health challenge.


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