Outbreaks Open Access
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In 2019–2022, a prolonged outbreak of oxacillinase (OXA)-48-producing due to a persistent environmental contamination, occurred in our haematology intensive care unit. In April 2019, we isolated OXA-48-producing from rectal samples of two patients in weekly screenings. The cases had stayed in the same hospital room but 4 months apart. We screened five patients who had stayed in this room between the two cases and identified a third case. Over the following 3 years, five other cases were detected, the last case in September 2022. In total, eight cases were detected: seven colonised with the bacterium and one infected with a lethal outcome. All cases stayed in the same hospital room. We detected OXA-48-producing from a shower, washbasin drains and wastewater drainage of the bathroom of the hospital room. Molecular typing confirmed that all isolates from the environment and the cases were indistinguishable. Despite bundle measures to control the outbreak, the bacterium persisted in the system, which resulted in transmission to new patients. A design defect in the placement of wastewater drains contributed to the persistence and proliferation of the bacterium. The room was closed after the last case and the bathroom rebuilt.


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