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Surveillance of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) of operated patients conventionally focuses on intubated patients in intensive care units (ICU). Post-operative immobilisation increases the risk of LRTI not associated with ventilators. Operated patients, however, have thus far not been a primary target for LRTI surveillance.


We aimed to describe the applied LRTI surveillance method in the German surveillance module for operated patients (OP-KISS) and to report data between 2018 and 2022.


Surveillance of LRTI can be performed voluntarily in addition to surgical site infection (SSI) surveillance in OP-KISS. We calculated LRTI rates per 100 operations for all procedures combined, as well as for individual surgical groups and procedures. Additionally, a combined post-operative infection rate (SSI and LRTI) was calculated.


Surveillance of LRTI was performed in 4% of all participating OP-KISS departments and for 2% (23,239 of 1,332,438) of all procedures in the OP-KISS database. The pooled LRTI rate was 0.9 per 100 operations, with marked differences between different types of surgery (3.6 for lobectomies, 0.1 for traumatology and orthopaedics). The share of LRTI among all post-operative infections was highly variable. For lobectomies, the LRTI rate was higher than the SSI rate (3.6 vs 1.5 per 100 operations).


Surveillance of post-operative LRTI is not yet widely adopted by German hospitals. Based on the data in this study, lobectomies represent a prime target for post-operative LRTI surveillance.


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