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Suriname, a country endemic for dengue virus (DENV), is a popular destination for Dutch travellers visiting friends and relatives and tourist travellers. Chikungunya and Zika virus (CHIKV, ZIKV) were introduced in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Data on infection risks among travellers are limited.


We aimed to prospectively study incidence rate (IR) and determinants for DENV, ZIKV and CHIKV infection in adult travellers to Suriname from 2014 through 2017.


Participants kept a travel diary and were tested for anti-DENV, anti-ZIKV and anti-CHIKV IgG antibodies (Euroimmun). Selected samples were subjected to an in-house DENV and ZIKV PRNT50. The IR (infections/1,000 person-months of travel) and IR ratio and determinants for infection were calculated.


Travel-acquired infections were found in 21 of 481 participants: 18 DENV, four ZIKV and two CHIKV, yielding an IR of 47.0 (95% CI: 29.6–74.6), IR of 11.6 (95% CI: 4.4–31.0) and IR of 5.6 (95% CI: 1.4–22.2)/1,000 person-months. In nine DENV and three ZIKV infected participants, infections were PRNT50-confirmed, yielding a lower IR of 23.3 (95% CI: 12.1–44.8) and an IR of 8.4 (95% CI: 2.7–26.1) per 1,000 person-months. Tourist travel was associated with DENV infection. ZIKV and CHIKV infections occurred soon after their reported introductions.


Despite an overestimation of serologically confirmed infections, Dutch travellers to Suriname, especially tourists, are at substantial risk of DENV infection. As expected, the risk of contracting ZIKV and CHIKV was highest during outbreaks. Cross-reaction and potential cross-protection of anti-DENV and -ZIKV antibodies should be further explored.


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