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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is caused by AMR determinants, mainly genes (ARGs) in the bacterial genome. Bacteriophages, integrative mobile genetic elements (iMGEs) or plasmids can allow ARGs to be exchanged among bacteria by horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Bacteria, including bacteria with ARGs, can be found in food. Thus, it is conceivable that in the gastrointestinal tract, bacteria from the gut flora could take up ARGs from food.


The study objective was to gain insight into the ARG set carried by commonly used probiotic bacteria that may enter the human body with non-fermented foods, fermented foods, or probiotic dietary supplements (FFPs) and to assess ARG mobility.


Next generation sequencing whole genome data from 579 isolates of 12 commonly employed probiotic bacterial species were collected from a public repository. Using bioinformatical tools, ARGs were analysed and linkage with mobile genetic elements assessed.


Resistance genes were found in eight bacterial species. The ratios of ARG positive/negative samples per species were: (65/0), (18/194), (1/40), (2/64), (74/5), (4/8), (1/46), s (4/19). In 66% (112/169) of the ARG-positive samples, at least one ARG could be linked to plasmids or iMGEs. No bacteriophage-linked ARGs were found.


The finding of potentially mobile ARGs in probiotic strains for human consumption raises awareness of a possibility of ARG HGT in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to existing recommendations, screening FFP bacterial strains for ARG content and mobility characteristics might be considered.


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