Sentinel surveillance and epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile in Denmark, 2016 to 2019
Søren Persson1
, Hans Linde Nielsen2,3
, John Eugenio Coia4,5
, Jørgen Engberg6
, Bente Scharvik Olesen7 , Anne Line Engsbro8
, Andreas Munk Petersen8,9
, Hanne Marie Holt10
, Lars Lemming11 , Ea Sofie Marmolin12 , Turid Snekloth Søndergaard13 , Leif Percival Andersen14 , Mie Birgitte Frid Jensen1 , Camilla Wiuff4 , Gitte Sørensen1 , Sofie Holtsmark Nielsen1 , Eva Møller Nielsen1
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 Department of Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark 2 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark 3 Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark 4 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Esbjerg Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark 5 Department of Regional Health Research IRS, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark 6 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Zealand University Hospital, Køge, Denmark 7 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Copenhagen University Hospital – Herlev and Gentofte, Herlev, Denmark 8 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark 9 Department of Gastroenterology, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark 10 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark 11 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark 12 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Vejle Hospital, Vejle, Denmark 13 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Sønderjylland Hospital, Aabenraa, Denmark 14 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet), Copenhagen, DenmarkSøren Perssonspn ssi.dk
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Citation style for this article: Persson Søren, Nielsen Hans Linde, Coia John Eugenio, Engberg Jørgen , Olesen Bente Scharvik, Engsbro Anne Line, Petersen Andreas Munk, Holt Hanne Marie, Lemming Lars, Marmolin Ea Sofie, Søndergaard Turid Snekloth, Andersen Leif Percival, Jensen Mie Birgitte Frid, Wiuff Camilla, Sørensen Gitte, Nielsen Sofie Holtsmark, Nielsen Eva Møller. Sentinel surveillance and epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile in Denmark, 2016 to 2019. Euro Surveill. 2022;27(49):pii=2200244. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.49.2200244 Received: 09 Mar 2022; Accepted: 06 Jul 2022
Since 2008, Danish national surveillance of Clostridioides difficile has focused on binary toxin-positive strains in order to monitor epidemic types such as PCR ribotype (RT) 027 and 078. Additional surveillance is needed to provide a more unbiased representation of all strains from the clinical reservoir.
Setting up a new sentinel surveillance scheme for an improved understanding of type distribution relative to time, geography and epidemiology, here presenting data from 2016 to 2019.
For 2─4 weeks in spring and autumn each year between 2016 and 2019, all 10 Danish Departments of Clinical Microbiology collected faecal samples containing toxigenic C. difficile. Isolates were typed at the national reference laboratory at Statens Serum Institut. The typing method in 2016–17 used tandem-repeat-sequence typing, while the typing method in 2018–19 was whole genome sequencing.
During the study period, the sentinel surveillance scheme included ca 14–15% of all Danish cases of C. difficile infections. Binary toxin-negative strains accounted for 75% and 16 of the 20 most prevalent types. The most common sequence types (ST) were ST2/13 (RT014/020) (19.5%), ST1 (RT027) (10.8%), ST11 (RT078) (6.7%), ST8 (RT002) (6.6%) and ST6 (RT005/117) (5.1%). The data also highlighted geographical differences, mostly related to ST1 and temporal decline of ST1 (p = 0.0008) and the increase of ST103 (p = 0.002), ST17 (p = 0.004) and ST37 (p = 0.003), the latter three binary toxin-negative.
Sentinel surveillance allowed nationwide monitoring of geographical differences and temporal changes in C. difficile infections in Denmark, including emerging types, regardless of binary toxin status.

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