Outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in Norway, November to December 2021
- Lin T. Brandal1,* , Emily MacDonald1,* , Lamprini Veneti1 , Tine Ravlo2 , Heidi Lange1 , Umaer Naseer1 , Siri Feruglio1 , Karoline Bragstad1 , Olav Hungnes1 , Liz E. Ødeskaug1 , Frode Hagen2 , Kristian E. Hanch-Hansen2 , Andreas Lind3 , Sara Viksmoen Watle1 , Arne M. Taxt1 , Mia Johansen1 , Line Vold1 , Preben Aavitsland1 , Karin Nygård1 , Elisabeth H. Madslien1
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway 2 Municipality of Oslo, Norway 3 Department of Microbiology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway* These authors contributed equally to this work and share first authorship.Correspondence:Lin T. Brandallin.thorstensen.brandal fhi.no
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Citation style for this article: Brandal Lin T., MacDonald Emily, Veneti Lamprini, Ravlo Tine, Lange Heidi, Naseer Umaer, Feruglio Siri, Bragstad Karoline, Hungnes Olav, Ødeskaug Liz E., Hagen Frode, Hanch-Hansen Kristian E., Lind Andreas, Watle Sara Viksmoen, Taxt Arne M., Johansen Mia, Vold Line, Aavitsland Preben, Nygård Karin, Madslien Elisabeth H.. Outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in Norway, November to December 2021. Euro Surveill. 2021;26(50):pii=2101147. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.50.2101147 Received: 10 Dec 2021; Accepted: 15 Dec 2021
In late November 2021, an outbreak of Omicron SARS-CoV-2 following a Christmas party with 117 attendees was detected in Oslo, Norway. We observed an attack rate of 74% and most cases developed symptoms. As at 13 December, none have been hospitalised. Most participants were 30–50 years old. Ninety-six percent of them were fully vaccinated. These findings corroborate reports that the Omicron variant may be more transmissible, and that vaccination may be less effective in preventing infection compared with Delta.

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