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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), the use of antiretroviral medication to prevent HIV acquisition, is a highly effective biomedical prevention tool. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends PrEP for people at substantial risk of HIV infection, as part of combination prevention, and highlights the need for robust evaluation of PrEP programmes. Based on suggested WHO core indicators, we created a concise set of HIV PrEP-related dataset variables, to harmonise the monitoring and evaluation of PrEP programmes across five closely related nations (England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland and Wales). The dataset is based on the PrEP cascade and is intended to represent the minimum variables needed for reporting and comparison of meaningful data at national and multinational level. The dataset can be modified for settings with different health and surveillance systems. It is intended for public health, academic, clinical and health planning, and public audiences. Here we describe the dataset and illustrate its use with data from the first year of the Scottish National PrEP programme.


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