Outbreaks Open Access
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An outbreak of gastroenteritis with 83 cases occurred at a conference venue in November 2017 in Halland County, Sweden. Stool samples from two venue visitors and a symptomatic secondary case attributed to household transmission were PCR-positive for the gene, a target found in both spp. and enteroinvasive (EIEC). EIEC was isolated from stool samples and whole genome sequencing analysis confirmed EIEC O96:H19 to be the aetiological agent. A cohort study was conducted among venue attendees and employees and the findings implicated contaminated leafy greens as the vehicle of infection, however, no microbiological evidence could support the study results. Here, we report the investigation into the first recorded EIEC outbreak in Sweden and illustrate the challenges associated with the differential laboratory diagnostics of /EIEC in an outbreak setting.


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