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Will coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have an impact on antimicrobial resistance?
- Dominique L Monnet1 , Stephan Harbarth2
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden 2 Infection Control Program and Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, SwitzerlandDominique L. Monnetdominiquel.monnet ecdc.europa.eu
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Citation style for this article: Monnet Dominique L, Harbarth Stephan. Will coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have an impact on antimicrobial resistance?. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(45):pii=2001886. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.45.2001886 Received: 04 Nov 2020; Accepted: 12 Nov 2020
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Will coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have an impact on antimicrobial resistance?
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Will coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have an impact on antimicrobial resistance?.
<a href="/content/ecdc">Euro Surveill.</a> 2020;25(45):pii=2001886.
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<span class="generated">Received</span>: 04 Nov 2020;
<span class="generated">Accepted</span>: 12 Nov 2020

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