Rapid response infrastructure for pandemic preparedness in a tertiary care hospital: lessons learned from the COVID-19 outbreak in Cologne, Germany, February to March 2020
- Max Augustin1,2,3,4 , Philipp Schommers1,2,4,5 , Isabelle Suárez1,2,4 , Philipp Koehler1,3,6 , Henning Gruell2,5 , Florian Klein2,3,5 , Christian Maurer7 , Petra Langerbeins7 , Vanessa Priesner1 , Kirsten Schmidt-Hellerau1 , Jakob J Malin1,2,3 , Melanie Stecher1,2 , Norma Jung1 , Gerhard Wiesmüller8 , Arne Meissner9 , Janine Zweigner9 , Georg Langebartels10 , Felix Kolibay10 , Victor Suárez11 , Volker Burst11 , Philippe Valentin11 , Dirk Schedler12 , Oliver A Cornely1,2,3,6 , Michael Hallek3,7 , Gerd Fätkenheuer1,2 , Jan Rybniker1,2,3,4 , Clara Lehmann1,2,3,4
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 University of Cologne, Department I of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Cologne, Germany 2 German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), Partner Site Bonn-Cologne, Cologne, Germany 3 University of Cologne, Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, Cologne, Germany 4 These authors contributed equally to this article 5 Institute of Virology, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany 6 Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD), Department I of Internal Medicine, Clinical Trials Centre Cologne (ZKS Köln), University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany 7 Department I of Internal Medicine and Center of Integrated Oncology Aachen, Bonn, Köln, Düsseldorf, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany 8 Public Health Department Cologne, Cologne, Germany 9 Department of Hospital Hygiene and Infection Control, University Hospital Cologne, Cologne, Germany 10 Department for Clinical Affairs, University of Cologne, Germany 11 Department II of Internal Medicine (Nephrology, Rheumatology, Diabetes, and General Internal Medicine) and Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, University of Cologne, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne, Cologne, Germany 12 University of Cologne, Medical Faculty and University Hospital Cologne, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Cologne, GermanyClara Lehmannclara.lehmann uk-koeln.de
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Citation style for this article: Augustin Max, Schommers Philipp, Suárez Isabelle, Koehler Philipp, Gruell Henning, Klein Florian, Maurer Christian, Langerbeins Petra, Priesner Vanessa, Schmidt-Hellerau Kirsten, Malin Jakob J, Stecher Melanie, Jung Norma, Wiesmüller Gerhard, Meissner Arne, Zweigner Janine, Langebartels Georg, Kolibay Felix, Suárez Victor, Burst Volker, Valentin Philippe, Schedler Dirk, Cornely Oliver A, Hallek Michael, Fätkenheuer Gerd, Rybniker Jan, Lehmann Clara. Rapid response infrastructure for pandemic preparedness in a tertiary care hospital: lessons learned from the COVID-19 outbreak in Cologne, Germany, February to March 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(21):pii=2000531. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.21.2000531 Received: 05 Apr 2020; Accepted: 28 May 2020
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused tremendous pressure on hospital infrastructures such as emergency rooms (ER) and outpatient departments. To avoid malfunctioning of critical services because of large numbers of potentially infected patients seeking consultation, we established a COVID-19 rapid response infrastructure (CRRI), which instantly restored ER functionality. The CRRI was also used for testing of hospital personnel, provided epidemiological data and was a highly effective response to increasing numbers of suspected COVID-19 cases.

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