Outbreaks Open Access
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In September 2017, a cluster of monophasic Typhimurium isolates was identified at the National Reference Laboratory for Enteropathogenic Bacteria in Norway. We investigated the cluster to identify the source and implement control measures. We defined a case as a person with laboratory-confirmed salmonellosis with the outbreak strain multiple locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis type. We conducted descriptive epidemiological and environmental investigations and performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) with core and accessory genome multilocus sequence typing of all isolates from cases or the environment connected with this outbreak. We identified 21 cases, residing in 10 geographically dispersed counties, all of whom had consumed food or drinks from a café at Oslo Airport. Case distribution by date of symptom onset suggested that a point source was introduced in mid-August followed by continued environmental contamination. The incubation periods ranged 0–16 days and increased as the outbreak progressed, likely due to increasingly low-dose exposure as control measures were implemented. WGS confirmed an identical cluster type-944 in all cases and six environmental specimens from the café. Control measures, including temporary closure and kitchen refurbishment, failed to eliminate the environmental source. We recommend strengthened hygiene measures for established environmental contamination during an outbreak.


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