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Recent published data on pneumococcal vaccination coverages among adults are scarce.


To update on pneumococcal vaccination uptakes among middle-aged and older adults in Catalonia.


We conducted a population-based retrospective observational study including 2,057,656 individuals ≥ 50 years old assigned to primary care centres managed by the Catalonian Health Institute on 1 January 2017 (date of data collection). An institutional clinical research database (SIDIAP) was used to classify persons by vaccination status for both 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPsV23) and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13) vaccines, as well as to identify underlying risk conditions.


Overall, 796,879 individuals (38.7%) had received PPsV23 and 13,607 (0.7%) PCV13. PPsV23 coverage increased with age: 9.2% (95,409/1,039,872) in 50–64 year olds, 63.1% (434,408/688,786) in 65–79 year olds and 81.2% (267,062/328,998) in ≥ 80 year olds (p < 0.001). PCV13 coverage also increased with age, although percentages were smaller in all age strata (4,250/1,039,872: 0.4%; 6,005/688,786: 0.9% and 3,352/328,998: 1.0%, respectively; p < 0.001). By sex, no substantial coverage differences were observed. Considering publically funded target groups for PPsV23 vaccination in Catalonia (i.e. < 65 year olds with at least one risk factor, plus all adults aged ≥ 65 years), PPsV23 coverage reached 52.8% (771,722/1,462,261) in our study population. Regarding PCV13 publicly funded targets (i.e. all-age immunocompromised persons), PCV13 coverage was 3.3% (6,617/202,348). By risk conditions, the highest PPsV23 coverage appeared in congestive heart failure (51,909/63,596; 81.6%), chronic renal disease (122,791/158,726; 77.4%) and chronic bronchitis/emphysema (96,453/132,306; 72.9%). Maximum PCV13 coverage appeared in cirrhosis (294/7,957; 3.7%), chronic renal disease (5,633/158,726; 3.5%) and chronic bronchitis/emphysema (2,859/132,306; 2.2%).


Pneumococcal vaccination coverages in Catalonian adults are suboptimal, especially for PCV13.


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