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Vaccination policy in France was previously characterised by the coexistence of eight recommended and three mandatory vaccinations for children younger than 2 years old. These 11 vaccines are now mandatory for all children born after 1 January 2018.


To study the French population’s opinion about this new policy and to assess factors associated with a positive opinion during this changing phase.


A cross-sectional survey about vaccination was conducted from 16 November–19 December 2017 among the GrippeNet.fr cohort. Data were weighted for age, sex and education according to the French population. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify factors associated with a favourable opinion on mandatory vaccines’ extension and defined in the ‘3Cs’ model by the World Health Organization Strategic Advisory Group of Experts working group on vaccine hesitancy.


Of the 3,222 participants (response rate 50.5%) and after adjustment, 64.5% agreed with the extension of mandatory vaccines. It was considered a necessary step by 68.7% of the study population, while 33.8% considered it unsafe for children and 56.9% saw it as authoritarian. Factors associated with a positive opinion about the extension of mandatory vaccines were components of the confidence, complacency and convenience dimensions of the ‘3Cs’ model.


In our sample, two thirds of the French population was in favour of the extension of mandatory vaccines for children. Perception of vaccine safety and benefits were major predictors for positive and negative opinions about this new policy.


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