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Background: Direct comparisons between countries in core HIV care parameters are often hampered by differences in data collection. Aim: Within the EuroSIDA study, we compared levels of antiretroviral treatment (ART) coverage and virological suppression (HIV RNA < 500 copies/mL) across Europe and explored temporal trends. Methods: In three cross-sectional analyses in 2004–05, 2009–10 and 2014–15, we assessed country-specific percentages of ART coverage and virological suppression among those on ART. Temporal changes were analysed using logistic regression. Results: Overall, the percentage of people on ART increased from 2004–05 (67.8%) to 2014–15 (78.2%), as did the percentage among those on ART who were virologically suppressed (75.2% in 2004–05, 87.7% in 2014–15). However, the rate of improvement over time varied significantly between regions (p < 0.01). In 2014–15, six of 34 countries had both ART coverage and virological suppression of above 90% among those on ART. The pattern varied substantially across clinics within countries, with ART coverage ranging from 61.9% to 97.0% and virological suppression from 32.2% to 100%. Compared with Western Europe (as defined in this study), patients in other regions were less likely to be virologically suppressed in 2014–15, with the lowest odds of suppression (adjusted odds ratio = 0.16; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.13–0.21) in Eastern Europe. Conclusions: Despite overall improvements over a decade, we found persistent disparities in country-specific estimates of ART coverage and virological suppression. Underlying reasons for this variation warrant further analysis to identify a best practice and benchmark HIV care across EuroSIDA.


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