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- Volume 24, Issue 39, 26/Sep/2019
Eurosurveillance - Volume 24, Issue 39, 26 September 2019
Volume 24, Issue 39, 2019
- Rapid communication
Increased detection of enterovirus A71 infections, Germany, 2019
We report on the increased circulation of enterovirus A71 in Germany in 2019. Strains were mainly identified in hospitalised patients with suspected aseptic meningitis/encephalitis. Molecular analysis showed co-circulation of EV-A71 sub-genogroups C1 and C4, a signal for physicians and public health authorities to include/intensify EV diagnostic in patients showing signs of aseptic meningitis, encephalitis or acute flaccid paralysis/myelitis.
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- Outbreaks
Listeriosis outbreak likely due to contaminated liver pâté consumed in a tavern, Austria, December 2018
In late December 2018, an outbreak of listeriosis occurred after a group of 32 individuals celebrated in a tavern in Styria, Austria; traditional Austrian food (e.g. meat, meat products and cheese) was served. After the celebration, 11 individuals developed gastrointestinal symptoms, including one case with severe sepsis. Cases had consumed mixed platters with several meat products and pâtés originating from a local production facility (company X). Human, food and environmental samples taken from the tavern and company X were tested for L. monocytogenes. Whole genome sequence-based typing detected a novel L. monocytogenes strain of serotype IVb, sequence type 4 and CT7652 in 15 samples; 12 human, two food and one environmental sample from company X with an allelic difference of 0 to 1. Active case finding identified two further cases who had not visited the tavern but tested positive for the outbreak strain. In total, 13 cases (seven females and six males; age range: 4–84 years) were identified. Liver pâté produced by company X was identified as the likely source of the outbreak. Control measures were implemented and since the end of December 2018, no more cases were detected.
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- Research
Shedding of OXA-181 carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli from companion animals after hospitalisation in Switzerland: an outbreak in 2018
BackgroundCarbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae pose a serious threat to public health worldwide, and the role of companion animals as a reservoir is still unclear.
AimsThis 4-month prospective observational study evaluated carriage of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae at admission and after hospitalisation in a large referral hospital for companion animals in Switzerland.
MethodsRectal swabs of dogs and cats expected to be hospitalised for at least 48 h were taken from May to August 2018 and analysed for the presence of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae using selective agar plates. Resistant isolates were further characterised analysing whole genome sequences for resistance gene and plasmid identification, and ad hoc core genome multilocus sequence typing.
ResultsThis study revealed nosocomial acquisition of Escherichia coli harbouring the carbapenemase gene blaOXA-181, the pAmpC cephalosporinase gene blaCMY-42 as well as quinolone resistance associated with qnrS1 and mutations in the topoisomerases II (GyrA) and IV (ParC). The blaOXA-181 and qnrS1 genes were identified on a 51 kb IncX3 plasmid and blaCMY-42 on a 47 kb IncI1 plasmid. All isolates belonged to sequence type ST410 and were genetically highly related. This E. coli clone was detected in 17 of 100 dogs and four of 34 cats after hospitalisation (21.6%), only one of the tested animals having tested positive at admission (0.75%). Two positive animals were still carriers 4 months after hospital discharge, but were negative after 6 months.
ConclusionsCompanion animals may acquire carbapenemase-producing E. coli during hospitalisation, posing the risk of further dissemination to the animal and human population and to the environment.
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- Surveillance
New HIV-1 circulating recombinant form 94: from phylogenetic detection of a large transmission cluster to prevention in the age of geosocial-networking apps in France, 2013 to 2017
Marc Wirden , Fabienne De Oliveira , Magali Bouvier-Alias , Sidonie Lambert-Niclot , Marie-Laure Chaix , Stéphanie Raymond , Ali Si-Mohammed , Chakib Alloui , Elisabeth André-Garnier , Pantxika Bellecave , Brice Malve , Audrey Mirand , Coralie Pallier , Jean-Dominique Poveda , Theresa Rabenja , Veronique Schneider , Anne Signori-Schmuck , Karl Stefic , Vincent Calvez , Diane Descamps , Jean-Christophe Plantier , Anne-Genevieve Marcelin , Benoit Visseaux and on behalf of the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS) AC43 Study GroupBackgroundEnding the HIV pandemic must involve new tools to rapidly identify and control local outbreaks and prevent the emergence of recombinant strains with epidemiological advantages.
AimThis observational study aimed to investigate in France a cluster of HIV-1 cases related to a new circulating recombinant form (CRF). The confirmation this CRF’s novelty as well as measures to control its spread are presented.
MethodsPhylogenetic analyses of HIV sequences routinely generated for drug resistance genotyping before 2018 in French laboratories were employed to detect the transmission chain. The CRF involved was characterised by almost full-length viral sequencing for six cases. Cases’ clinical data were reviewed. Where possible, epidemiological information was collected with a questionnaire.
ResultsThe transmission cluster comprised 49 cases, mostly diagnosed in 2016–2017 (n = 37). All were infected with a new CRF, CRF94_cpx. The molecular proximity of this CRF to X4 strains and the high median viraemia, exceeding 5.0 log10 copies/mL, at diagnosis, even in chronic infection, raise concerns of enhanced virulence. Overall, 41 cases were diagnosed in the Ile-de-France region and 45 were men who have sex with men. Among 24 cases with available information, 20 reported finding partners through a geosocial networking app. Prevention activities in the area and population affected were undertaken.
ConclusionWe advocate the systematic use of routinely generated HIV molecular data by a dedicated reactive network, to improve and accelerate targeted prevention interventions. Geosocial networking apps can play a role in the spread of outbreaks, but could also deliver local targeted preventive alerts.
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- Miscellaneous
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Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR
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