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- Volume 18, Issue 12, 21/Mar/2013
Eurosurveillance - Volume 18, Issue 12, 21 March 2013
Volume 18, Issue 12, 2013
- Editorials
- Rapid communications
Fatal case of extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype infection in an injecting drug user, Athens, Greece, 2012
K Leuow , D Papaventsis , S Kourkoundi , P Ioannidis , S Karabela , S Tsikrika , I Marinou , A Papavasileiou , M Stone , F Drobniewski , V Paparisos and E VogiatzakisWe present the first fatal case of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) in an injecting drug user (IDU) in Athens, Greece, co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus and discuss the implications for public health. Despite immediate initiation of treatment, the patient's condition gradually deteriorated and he died 16 days after hospital admission because of multiple organ failure. The contact tracing investigation revealed no further infections among the patient's contacts. .
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- Surveillance and outbreak reports
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the European Union and European Economic Area, 2002 to 2011
Tuberculosis (TB) is decreasing in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA), but remains a significant public health problem. Although pulmonary TB accounts for the majority of the cases and is the main transmissible form of the disease, extrapulmonary TB also contributes to the burden of disease and does not receive specific attention in international control strategies. We performed a descriptive analysis to assess the burden and trends of extrapulmonary TB in EU/EEA countries. During 2002-11, 167,652 cases of extrapulmonary TB were reported by the 30 Member States. Extrapulmonary TB accounted for 19.3% of all notified cases, ranging from 5.8% to 44.4% among the Member States. Overall, TB notification rates decreased in 2002-11 due to a decrease in pulmonary TB. Notification rates of extrapulmonary TB remained stable at 3.4 per 100,000 in 2002 and 3.2 per 100,000 in 2011. Thus the proportion of extrapulmonary TB increased from 16.4% in 2002 to 22.4% in 2011. Of all extrapulmonary TB cases reported during 2002-11, 37.9% were foreign-born or citizens of another country, 33.7% were culture-confirmed, and the overall treatment success was 81.4%. A significant percentage of notified TB cases are extrapulmonary, and in contrast to pulmonary TB, extrapulmonary TB rates are not decreasing. .
The burden of extrapulmonary and meningitis tuberculosis: an investigation of national surveillance data, Germany, 2002 to 2009
T Ducomble , K Tolksdorf , I Karagiannis , B Hauer , B Brodhun , W Haas and L FiebigTuberculosis (TB) surveillance commonly focuses on pulmonary (PTB) where the main organ affected is the lung. This might lead to underestimate extrapulmonary TB (EPTB) forms, where in addition to the lung other sites are affected by TB. In Germany, TB notification data provide the main site and the secondary site of disease. To gain an overview of all the different EPTB forms, we analysed German TB notification data between 2002 and 2009 using information on both main and secondary disease site to describe all individual EPTB forms. Further, we assessed factors associated with meningitis using multivariable logistic regression. Solely analysing the main site of disease, lead to one third of EPTB manifestations being overlooked. Case characteristics varied substantially across individual extrapulmonary forms. Of 46,349 TB patients, 422 (0.9%) had meningitis as main or secondary site. Of those, 105 (25%) of the 415 with available information had died. Multivariable analysis showed that meningitis was more likely in children younger than five years and between five and nine years-old (odds ratio (OR): 4.90; 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.40-7.07 and OR: 2.65; 95% CI: 1.40-5.00), in females (OR: 1.42; 95% CI: 1.17-1.73), and in those born in the World Health Organization (WHO) regions of south-east Asia (OR: 2.38; 95% CI: 1.66-3.43) and eastern Mediterranean (OR: 1.51; 95% CI: 1.02-2.23). Overall, EPTB manifestations, including meningitis, which is often fatal, were underestimated by routine analysis. We thus recommend using all information on disease manifestation generated by surveillance to monitor severe forms and to transfer the gained knowledge to TB case management where awareness of EPTB is most important. .
Treatment outcome monitoring of pulmonary tuberculosis cases notified in France in 2009
The proportion of patients considered to be cured is a key indicator to assess national tuberculosis (TB) control. In France, TB treatment outcome monitoring was implemented in 2007. This article presents national results on treatment outcome among patients with pulmonary TB reported in France in 2009 and explores determinants of potentially unfavourable outcome. Information on treatment outcome was reported for 63% of eligible pulmonary cases of whom 70% had a successful outcome. In a multivariate analysis, potentially unfavourable outcome (17%), compared to treatment success, was significantly associated with being male, born abroad and having lived in France for less than 10 years, being in congregate settings when treatment was initiated, or having a previous history of anti-TB treatment. Enhanced awareness of treatment outcome monitoring is essential to improve the coverage and the quality of information. Earlier diagnosis and improved management of the disease in the elderly may reduce death due to TB. The high proportion of potentially unfavourable outcomes should be further investigated as they may require additional vigilance and/or actions in term of efforts of TB control in some population groups.
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- Euroroundups
Challenges in diagnosing extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the European Union, 2011
I Solovic , J Jonsson , M Korzeniewska- Koseła , D I Chiotan , A Pace-Asciak , E Slump , R Rumetshofer , I Abubakar , S Kos , P Svetina-Sorli , W Haas , T Bauer , A Sandgren and M J van der WerfIn the European Union (EU) 72,334 tuberculosis (TB) cases were notified in 2011, of which 16,116 (22%) had extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB). The percentage of TB cases with EPTB ranged from 4% to 48% in the reporting countries. This difference might be explained by differences in risk factors for EPTB or challenges in diagnosis. To assess the practices in diagnosis of EPTB we asked European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries to participate in a report describing the diagnostic procedures and challenges in diagnosing EPTB. Eleven EU Member States participated and reports showed that in the majority EPTB is diagnosed by a pulmonologist, sometimes in collaboration with the doctor who is specialised in the organ where the symptoms presented. In most countries a medical history and examination is followed by invasive procedures, puncture or biopsy, to collect material for confirmation of the disease (by culture/histology/cytology). Some countries also use the tuberculin skin test or an interferon-gamma-release-assay. A wide variety of radiological tests may be used. Countries that reported challenges in the diagnosis of EPTB reported that EPTB is often not considered because it is a rare disease and most medical professionals will not have experience in diagnosing EPTB. The fact that EPTB can present with a variety of symptoms that may mimic symptoms of other pathologies does pose a further challenge in diagnosis. In addition, obtaining an appropriate sample for confirmation of EPTB was frequently mentioned as a challenge. In summary, diagnosis of EPTB poses challenges due to the diversity of symptoms with which EPTB may present, the low level of suspicion of clinicians, and due to the difficulty in obtaining an adequate sample for confirmation.
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- Research articles
Tuberculosis diagnostic delay and therapy outcomes of non-national migrants in Tel Aviv, 1998-2008
Z Mor , H Kolb , M Lidji , G B Migliori and A LeventhalNon-national migrants have limited access to medical therapy. This study compares diagnostic delay and treatment outcomes of non-insured non-national migrants (NINNM) with insured Israeli citizens (IC) in the Tel Aviv tuberculosis (TB) clinic between 1998 and 2008. Patient delay was the time from symptoms onset to doctor's visit, while system delay was measured from doctor visit to anti-TB therapy administration. We randomly sampled 222 NINNM and 265 IC. NINNM were younger than IC, had lower male to female ratio and fewer smoked. They had less drug/alcohol abuse, more cavitations on chest radiography, longer patient and shorter system delay. Mean patient and system delays of all patients were 25±14 and 79±42 days, respectively. In multivariate analysis, being NINNM, asymptomatic or smoking predicted longer patient delay, while being asymptomatic or having additional co-morbidity predicted longer system delay. Treatment success in sputum smear-positive pulmonary TB NINNM was 81% and 95.7% in IC (p=0.01). Treatment success was not associated with patient or system delay. In multivariate analysis, work security and treatment adherence predicted treatment success. NINNM had longer patient delay and worse therapy outcome, while IC had longer system delay. Both delays should be reduced. NINNM should be informed that TB therapy is free and unlinked with deportation.
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