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- Volume 9, Issue 10, 01/Oct/2004
Eurosurveillance - Volume 9, Issue 10, 01 October 2004
Volume 9, Issue 10, 2004
- Editorial
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
The start-up event for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control took place in Stockholm on 27 September 2004. In terms of surveillance and control of communicable disease in the European Union, it marked the beginning of a new era.
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- European policy
Perspectives for a European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
On 30 March the Council finally put its seal on the Regulation setting up a new European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Negotiations, from the Commission's proposal in July 2003 to final agreement by both the European Parliament and the Council took just eight months. This might not be a record for agreeing new EU legislation, but in terms of the type of legislation involved - setting up a new Community body with all that entails for permanent funding and obligatory participation by Member States - it probably is. Now comes the next phase - the practical implementation of the Regulation. First amongst the priorities will be the choice of Director and the site in Stockholm. The Regulation sets out an ambitious series of requirements to make the Centre operational by May 2005 - making arrangements for the Management Board, organising the work programme for 2005, and putting in place many organisational requirements.
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- Euroroundup
Travel Associated Legionnaires' Disease in Europe : 2003
Six hundred and thirty two cases of travel-associated legionnaires' disease with onset in 2003 were reported to the EWGLINET surveillance scheme by 24 countries. Eighty nine clusters were detected, 35 (39%) of which would not have been detected without the EWGLINET scheme. One hundred and seven accommodation sites were investigated and 22 sites were published on the EWGLI website. The proportion of cases diagnosed primarily by the urinary antigen test was 81.2%, and 48 positive cultures were obtained. Thirty eight deaths were reported to the EWGLINET scheme, giving a crude fatality rate of 6%. Countries are encouraged to inform the coordinating centre of cases that fall ill after travelling within their own country of residence ('internal travel'), and are also encouraged to obtain patient isolates for culture where at all possible.
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- Surveillance report
Preliminary results from the new HIV surveillance system in France
F Lot , C Semaille , F Cazein , F Barin , R Pinget , J Pillonel and J C DesenclosIn addition to AIDS surveillance, data on HIV infection are necessary to better follow the dynamics of the epidemic. We report the first results of France's mandatory anonymous HIV notification system, which is linked to a virological surveillance of recent HIV infections and of circulating HIV types, groups and subtypes. HIV notifications are initiated by microbiologists who create an anonymous code of patient's identity. Clinicians complete the notification form with epidemiological and clinical data. Notifications are sent to the local health authorities and passed to the Institut de Veille Sanitaire (InVS).
Occurrence of Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 29 in Austria : an opportunity to assess the relevance of chicken meat as source of human salmonella infections
Assuming that the various phage types of Salmonella Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) are largely equally virulent, the importance of certain foods as sources of infection for human salmonellosis can be deduced from differences in the distribution of phage types in human and non-human samples. In 2002, S. Enteritidis phage type 29 (PT29) was first isolated from non-human test samples in Austria. S. Enteritidis PT29 accounted for 44 (27.7%) of 159 S. Enteritidis strains, derived from veterinary samples of chicken (e.g. meat, giblets) or chicken habitations (e.g. swabs from the coop and excrement). At the food retail level (chicken meat, chicken liver), five (13.1%) of 38 S. Enteritidis isolates were PT29. The proportion of S. Enteritidis PT29 in human samples was much lower. Only 0.4% (30 human primary isolates) of all S. Enteritidis isolates in the year 2002, and 0.33% (23 human primary isolates) of all human S. Enteritidis strains in 2003 were PT29. In our opinion, the discrepancy between the high prevalence of S. Enteritidis PT29 in broilers and chicken meat and the low number of PT29 cases in humans indicates that chicken meat of Austrian origin is currently only a minor source of human S. Enteritidis infections.
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