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- Volume 21, Issue 27, 07/Jul/2016
Eurosurveillance - Volume 21, Issue 27, 07 July 2016
Volume 21, Issue 27, 2016
- Rapid communication
An ongoing measles outbreak linked to a suspected imported case, Ireland, April to June 2016
We report an outbreak of measles which started in April 2016 and which, by 13 June, has resulted in 22 confirmed and five probable measles cases occurring in four regions of Ireland. Genotype B3 was identified. We describe the identification, ongoing investigation and control measures being implemented. This outbreak occurs during a period of very low measles transmission in Ireland, with only one confirmed case (imported) notified in 2016 before this event.
Identification of a novel plasmid-mediated colistin-resistance gene, mcr-2, in Escherichia coli, Belgium, June 2016
We identified a novel plasmid-mediated colistin-resistance gene in porcine and bovine colistin-resistant Escherichia coli that did not contain mcr-1. The gene, termed mcr-2, a 1,617 bp phosphoethanolamine transferase harboured on an IncX4 plasmid, has 76.7% nucleotide identity to mcr-1. Prevalence of mcr-2 in porcine colistin-resistant E. coli (11/53) in Belgium was higher than that of mcr-1 (7/53). These data call for an immediate introduction of mcr-2 screening in ongoing molecular epidemiological surveillance of colistin-resistant Gram-negative pathogens.
Arboviral and other illnesses in travellers returning from Brazil, June 2013 to May 2016: implications for the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Philippe Gautret , Frank Mockenhaupt , Martin P Grobusch , Camilla Rothe , Frank von Sonnenburg , Perry J van Genderen , Francois Chappuis , Hilmir Asgeirsson , Eric Caumes , Emmanuel Bottieau , Denis Malvy , Rogelio Lopez-Vélez , Mogens Jensenius , Carsten Schade Larsen , Francesco Castelli , Christophe Rapp , Vanessa Field , Israel Molina , Effrossyni Gkrania-Klotsas , Simin Florescu , David Lalloo and Patricia SchlagenhaufWe evaluated EuroTravNet (a GeoSentinel subnetwork) data from June 2013 to May 2016 on 508 ill travellers returning from Brazil, to inform a risk analysis for Europeans visiting the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Brazil. Few dengue fever cases (n = 3) and no cases of chikungunya were documented during the 2013–15 Brazilian winter months, August and September, the period when the Games will be held. The main diagnoses were dermatological (37%), gastrointestinal (30%), febrile systemic illness (29%) and respiratory (11%).
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- Research article
Sustained low rotavirus activity and hospitalisation rates in the post-vaccination era in Belgium, 2007 to 2014
In 2006, Belgium was the first country in the European Union to recommend rotavirus vaccination in the routine infant vaccination schedule and rapidly achieved high vaccine uptake (86–89% in 2007). We used regional and national data sources up to 7 years post-vaccination to study the impact of vaccination on laboratory-confirmed rotavirus cases and rotavirus-related hospitalisations and deaths. We showed that (i) from 2007 until 2013, vaccination coverage remained at 79–88% for a complete course, (ii) in children 0–2 years, rotavirus cases decreased by 79% (95% confidence intervals (CI): 68–89%) in 2008–2014 compared to the pre-vaccination period (1999–2006) and by 50% (95% CI: 14–82%) in the age group ≥ 10 years, (iii) hospitalisations for rotavirus gastroenteritis decreased by 87% (95% CI: 84–90%) in 2008–2012 compared to the pre-vaccination period (2002–2006), (iv) median age of rotavirus cases increased from 12 months to 17 months and (v) the rotavirus seasonal peak was reduced and delayed in all post-vaccination years. The substantial decline in rotavirus gastroenteritis requiring hospitalisations and in rotavirus activity following introduction of rotavirus vaccination is sustained over time and more pronounced in the target age group, but with evidence of herd immunity.
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- Letter
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