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- Volume 20, Issue 25, 25/Jun/2015
Eurosurveillance - Volume 20, Issue 25, 25 June 2015
Volume 20, Issue 25, 2015
- Rapid communications
Epidemiological investigation of MERS-CoV spread in a single hospital in South Korea, May to June 2015*
In this report, we describe 37 MERS-CoV infection cases (1 primary, 25 secondary, 11 tertiary cases) in a single hospital in South Korea. The median incubation period was six days (95% CI: 4-7 days) and the duration between suspected symptom onset and laboratory confirmation was 6.5 days (95% CI: 4-9). While incubation period was two days longer, the duration from suspected symptom onset to confirmation was shorter in tertiary compared with secondary infections. .
Preliminary epidemiological assessment of MERS-CoV outbreak in South Korea, May to June 2015
South Korea is experiencing the largest outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infections outside the Arabian Peninsula, with 166 laboratory-confirmed cases, including 24 deaths up to 19 June 2015. We estimated that the mean incubation period was 6.7 days and the mean serial interval 12.6 days. We found it unlikely that infectiousness precedes symptom onset. Based on currently available data, we predict an overall case fatality risk of 21% (95% credible interval: 14-31). .
The role of superspreading in Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) transmission
As at 15 June 2015, a large transmission cluster of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was ongoing in South Korea. To examine the potential for such events, we estimated the level of heterogeneity in MERS-CoV transmission by analysing data on cluster size distributions. We found substantial potential for superspreading; even though it is likely that R0 < 1 overall, our analysis indicates that cluster sizes of over 150 cases are not unexpected for MERS-CoV infection.
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- Surveillance and outbreak reports
Event-based surveillance of food- and waterborne diseases in Europe: ‘urgent inquiries’ (outbreak alerts) during 2008 to 2013
During 2008 to 2013, 215 outbreak alerts, also known as 'urgent inquiries' (UI), for food- and waterborne diseases were launched in Europe, the majority of them (135; 63%) being related to salmonellosis. For 110 (51%) UI, a potential food vehicle of infection was identified, with vegetables being the most reported category (34; 31%). A total of 28% (n = 60) of the outbreaks reported had an international dimension, involving at least two countries (mean: 4; standard deviation: 2; range: 2-14). Participating countries posted 2,343 messages (initial posts and replies, excluding updates), with a median of 11 messages per urgent inquiry (range: 1-28). Of 60 multicountry UI, 50 involved between two and four countries. The UI allowed early detection of multicountry outbreaks, facilitated the identification of the suspected vehicles and consequently contributed to the timely implementation of control measures. The introduction of an epidemic intelligence information system platform in 2010 has strengthened the role of the Food- and Waterborne Diseases and Zoonoses network in facilitating timely exchange of information between public health authorities of the participating countries. .
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