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- Volume 19, Issue 50, 18/Dec/2014
Eurosurveillance - Volume 19, Issue 50, 18 December 2014
Volume 19, Issue 50, 2014
- Rapid communications
Comparing introduction to Europe of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses A(H5N8) in 2014 and A(H5N1) in 2005
C Adlhoch , C Gossner , G Koch , I Brown , R Bouwstra , F Verdonck , P Penttinen and T HarderSince the beginning of November 2014, nine outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) A(H5N8) in poultry have been detected in four European countries. In this report, similarities and differences between the modes of introduction of HPAIV A(H5N1) and A(H5N8) into Europe are described. Experiences from outbreaks of A(H5N1) in Europe demonstrated that early detection to control HPAIV in poultry has proven pivotal to minimise the risk of zoonotic transmission and prevention of human cases.
ESwab challenges influenza virus propagation in cell cultures
R Trebbien , B Andersen , J Rønn , J McCauley and T Kølsen FischerAlthough the ESwab kit (Copan, Brescia, Italy) is intended for sampling bacteria for culture, this kit is increasingly also used for virus sampling. The effect of ESwab medium on influenza virus detection by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) or virus propagation in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell culture was investigated. The ESwab medium was suitable for viral RNA detection but not for viral propagation due to cytotoxicity. Sampling influenza viruses with ESwab challenges influenza surveillance by strongly limiting the possibility of antigenic characterisation.
A large community outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal, October to November 2014
T Shivaji , C Sousa Pinto , A San-Bento , L A Oliveira Serra , J Valente , J Machado , T Marques , L Carvalho , P J Nogueira , B Nunes and P VasconcelosAn outbreak of Legionnaires' disease with 334 confirmed cases was identified on 7 November 2014 in Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal and declared controlled by 21 November. Epidemiological, environmental and microbiological analysis identified industrial wet cooling systems to be the probable source of infection. Preliminary results from sequence-based typing of clinical specimens and environmental isolates confirmed this link. A series of meteorological phenomena are likely to have contributed to the scale of this outbreak. .
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- Surveillance and outbreak reports
Foodborne hepatitis A outbreak associated with bakery products in northern Germany, 2012
M Harries , M Monazahian , J Wenzel , W Jilg , M Weber , J Ehlers , J Dreesman and E MertensIn October 2012, a hepatitis A (HA) outbreak with 83 laboratory-confirmed cases occurred in Lower Saxony. We defined primary outbreak cases as people with laboratory-confirmed HA and symptom onset between 8 October and 12 November 2012, residing in or visiting the affected districts. Secondary outbreak cases were persons with symptom onset after 12 November 2012 and close contact with primary cases. We identified 77 primary and six secondary cases. We enrolled 50 primary cases and 52 controls matched for age and sex, and found that 82% of cases and 60% of controls had consumed products from a particular bakery (OR=3.09; 95% CI: 1.15-8.68). Cases were more likely to have eaten sweet pastries (OR=5.74; 95% CI: 1.46-22.42). Viral isolates from five selected cases and three positively tested surfaces in the bakery had identical nucleotide sequences. One additional identical isolate derived from a salesperson of the bakery suffering from a chronic disease that required immunosuppressive treatment. Epidemiological and laboratory findings suggested that the salesperson contaminated products while packing and selling. Future risk assessment should determine whether food handlers with chronic diseases under immunosuppressive treatment could be more at risk of contaminating food and might benefit from HAV immunisation. .
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- Perspectives
Innovative applications of immunisation registration information systems: example of improved measles control in Taiwan
Immunisation registry systems have been shown to be important for finding pockets of under-immunised individuals and for increasing vaccination coverage. The National Immunisation Information System (NIIS) was established in 2003 in Taiwan. In this perspective, we present the construction of the NIIS and two innovative applications, which were implemented in 2009, which link the NIIS with other databases for better control of measles. Firstly, by linking the NIIS with hospital administrative records, we are able to follow up contacts of measles cases in a timely manner to provide the necessary prophylaxis, such as immunoglobulin or vaccines. Since 2009, there have been no measles outbreaks in hospitals in Taiwan. Secondly, by linking the NIIS with an immigration database, we are able to ensure that young citizens under the age of five years entering Taiwan from abroad become fully vaccinated. Since 2009, the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine coverage rate at two years of age has increased from 96% to 98%. We consider these applications of the NIIS to be effective mechanisms for improving the performance of infectious disease control in Taiwan. The experience gained could provide a valuable example for other countries.
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- Letters
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