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- Volume 19, Issue 49, 11/Dec/2014
Eurosurveillance - Volume 19, Issue 49, 11 December 2014
Volume 19, Issue 49, 2014
- Rapid communications
Management of pregnant women infected with Ebola virus in a treatment centre in Guinea, June 2014
F M Baggi , A Taybi , A Kurth , M Van Herp , A Di Caro , R Wölfel , S Günther , T Decroo , H Declerck and S JonckheereWe report two cases of confirmed Ebola virus disease in pregnant women, who presented at the Médecins Sans Frontières Ebola treatment centre in Guéckédou. Despite the very high risk of death, both pregnant women survived. In both cases the critical decision was made to induce vaginal delivery. We raise a number of considerations regarding the management of Ebola virus-infected pregnant women, including the place of amniocentesis and induced delivery, and whether certain invasive medical acts are justified. .
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- Surveillance and outbreak reports
Emergence of clonally related multidrug resistant Haemophilus influenzae with penicillin-binding protein 3-mediated resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins, Norway, 2006 to 2013
D Skaare , I L Anthonisen , G Kahlmeter , E Matuschek , O B Natås , M Steinbakk , A Sundsfjord and B E KristiansenResistance to cephalosporins in Haemophilus influenzae is usually caused by characteristic alterations in penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP3), encoded by the ftsI gene. Resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins is associated with high-level PBP3-mediated resistance (high-rPBP3), defined by the second stage S385T substitution in addition to a first stage substitution (R517H or N526K). The third stage L389F substitution is present in some high-rPBP3 strains. High-rPBP3 H. influenzae are considered rare outside Japan and Korea. In this study, 30 high-rPBP3 isolates from Norway, collected between 2006 and 2013, were examined by serotyping, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), ftsI sequencing, detection of beta-lactamase genes and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination. MICs were interpreted according to clinical breakpoints from the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). Respiratory isolates predominated (proportion: 24/30). The 30 isolates included one serotype f isolate, while the remaining 29 lacked polysaccharide capsule genes. Resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins (cefixime, 29 isolates/30 isolates; cefepime, 28/30; cefotaxime, 26 /30; ceftaroline, 26/30; ceftriaxone, 14/30), beta-lactamase production (11/30) and co-resistance to non-beta-lactams (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 13/30; tetracycline, 4/30; chloramphenicol, 4/30; ciprofloxacin, 3/30) was frequent. The N526K substitution in PBP3 was present in 23 of 30 isolates; these included a blood isolate which represents the first invasive S385T?+?N526K isolate reported from Europe. The L389F substitution, present in 16 of 30 isolates, coincided with higher beta-lactam MICs. Non-susceptibility to meropenem was frequent in S385T?+?L389F?+?N526K isolates (8/12). All 11 beta-lactamase positive isolates were TEM-1. Five clonal groups of two to 10 isolates with identical MLST-ftsI allelic profiles were observed, including the first reported high-rPBP3 clone with TEM-1 beta-lactamase and co-resistance to ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Prior to this study, no multidrug resistant high-rPBP3 H. influenzae had been reported in Norway. Intensified surveillance of antimicrobial resistance is needed to guide empiric therapy.
Measles outbreak in Greater Manchester, England, October 2012 to September 2013: epidemiology and control
M Pegorie , K Shankar , W S Welfare , R W Wilson , C Khiroya , G Munslow , D Fiefield , V Bothra and R McCannThis paper describes the epidemiology and management of a prolonged outbreak of measles across the 2.7 million conurbation of Greater Manchester in the United Kingdom. Over a period of one year (from October 2012 to September 2013), over a thousand suspected measles cases (n?=?1,073) were notified across Greater Manchester; of these, 395 (37%) were laboratory-confirmed, 91 (8%) were classed as probable, 312 (29%) were classed as possible and 275 (26%) excluded. Most confirmed and probable cases occurred in children within two age groups - infants (too young to be eligible for measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination according to the national immunisation programme) and children aged 10-19 years (low vaccine uptake in this cohort because of unfounded alleged links between the MMR vaccine and autism). During this one year period, there were a series of local outbreaks and many of these occurred within the secondary school setting. A series of public health measures were taken to control this prolonged outbreak: setting up incident management teams to control local outbreaks, a concerted immunisation catch-up campaign (initially local then national) to reduce the pool of children partially or totally unprotected against measles, and the exclusion of close contacts from nurseries and school settings for a period of 10 days following the last exposure to a case of measles. .
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- Research articles
Clinical severity of human infections with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus, China, 2013/14
Assessing the severity of emerging infections is challenging because of potential biases in case ascertainment. The first human case of infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus was identified in China in March 2013; since then, the virus has caused two epidemic waves in the country. There were 134 laboratory-confirmed cases detected in the first epidemic wave from January to September 2013. In the second epidemic wave of human infections with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus in China from October 2013 to October 2014, we estimated that the risk of death among hospitalised cases of infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus was 48% (95% credibility interval: 42-54%), slightly higher than the corresponding risk in the first wave. Age-specific risks of death among hospitalised cases were also significantly higher in the second wave. Using data on symptomatic cases identified through national sentinel influenza-like illness surveillance, we estimated that the risk of death among symptomatic cases of infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus was 0.10% (95% credibility interval: 0.029-3.6%), which was similar to previous estimates for the first epidemic wave of human infections with influenza A(H7N9) virus in 2013. An increase in the risk of death among hospitalised cases in the second wave could be real because of changes in the virus, because of seasonal changes in host susceptibility to severe infection, or because of variation in treatment practices between hospitals, while the increase could be artefactual because of changes in ascertainment of cases in different areas at different times. .
The dynamic changes of dominant clones of Staphylococcus aureus causing bloodstream infections in the European region: Results of a second structured survey
>Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important human pathogens and meticillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) presents a major cause of healthcare- and community-acquired infections. This study investigated the spatial and temporal changes of S. aureus causing bacteraemia in Europe over a five-year interval and explored the possibility of integrating pathogen-based typing data with epidemiological and clinical information at a European level. Between January 2011 and July 2011, 350 laboratories serving 453 hospitals in 25 countries collected 3,753 isolates (meticillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) and MRSA) from patients with S. aureus bloodstream infections. All isolates were sent to the national staphylococcal reference laboratories and characterised by quality-controlled spa typing. Data were uploaded to an interactive web-based mapping tool. A wide geographical distribution of spa types was found, with some prevalent in all European countries. MSSA was more diverse than MRSA. MRSA differed considerably between countries with major international clones expanding or receding when compared to a 2006 survey. We provide evidence that a network approach of decentralised typing and visualisation of aggregated data using an interactive mapping tool can provide important information on the dynamics of S. aureus populations such as early signalling of emerging strains, cross-border spread and importation by travel.
Training infection control and hospital hygiene professionals in Europe, 2010: agreed core competencies among 33 European countries
The harmonisation of training programmes for infection control and hospital hygiene (IC/HH) professionals in Europe is a requirement of the Council recommendation on patient safety. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control commissioned the 'Training Infection Control in Europe' project to develop a consensus on core competencies for IC/HH professionals in the European Union (EU). Core competencies were drafted on the basis of the Improving Patient Safety in Europe (IPSE) project's core curriculum (CC), evaluated by questionnaire and approved by National Representatives (NRs) for IC/HH training. NRs also re-assessed the status of IC/HH training in European countries in 2010 in comparison with the situation before the IPSE CC in 2006. The IPSE CC had been used to develop or update 28 of 51 IC/HH courses. Only 10 of 33 countries offered training and qualification for IC/HH doctors and nurses. The proposed core competencies are structured in four areas and 16 professional tasks at junior and senior level. They form a reference for standardisation of IC/HH professional competencies and support recognition of training initiatives. .
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