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- Volume 19, Issue 45, 13/Nov/2014
Eurosurveillance - Volume 19, Issue 45, 13 November 2014
Volume 19, Issue 45, 2014
- Rapid communications
Effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination during pregnancy in preventing influenza infection in infants, England, 2013/14
In this study we used the screening method to estimate the effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination during pregnancy in preventing influenza virus infection and influenza-related hospitalisation in infants under?six months, in England in the 2013/14 season. Seasonal influenza vaccination in pregnancy was 71% (95% CI: 24-89%) effective in preventing infant influenza virus infection and 64% (95% CI: 6-86%) effective in preventing infant influenza hospitalisation, and should be recommended in pregnancy. .
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- Surveillance and outbreak reports
10 years of surveillance of human tularaemia in France
A Mailles and V VaillantTularaemia has been mandatorily notifiable in France since October 2002. The surveillance aims to detect early any infection possibly due to bioterrorism and to follow up disease trends. We report the results of national surveillance from 2002 to 2012. A case is defined as a patient with clinical presentation suggestive of tularaemia and biological confirmation of infection or an epidemiological link with a biologically confirmed case. Clinical, biological and epidemiological data are collected using a standardised notification form. From 2002 to 2012, 433 cases were notified, with a median age of 49 years (range 2 to 95 years) and a male-female sex ratio of 1.8. Most frequent clinical presentations were glandular tularaemia (n=200; 46%) and ulceroglandular tularaemia (n=113; 26%). Most frequent at-risk exposures were handling hares (n=179; 41%) and outdoor leisure exposure to dust aerosols (n=217; 50%). Tick bites were reported by 82 patients (19%). Ten clusters (39 cases) were detected over the 10-year period, as well as a national outbreak during winter 2007/2008. The tularaemia surveillance system is able to detect small clusters as well as major outbreaks. Surveillance data show exposure to dust aerosols during outdoor leisure activities to be a major source of contamination in France. .
Emerging cephalosporin and multidrug-resistant gonorrhoea in Europe
M J Cole , G Spiteri , S A Chisholm , S Hoffmann , C A Ison , M Unemo and M Van de LaarNeisseria gonorrhoeae has consistently developed resistance to antimicrobials used therapeutically for gonorrhoea and few antimicrobials remain for effective empiric first-line therapy. Since 2009 the European gonococcal antimicrobial surveillance programme (Euro-GASP) has been running as a sentinel surveillance system across Member States of the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) to monitor antimicrobial susceptibility in N. gonorrhoeae. During 2011, N. gonorrhoeae isolates were collected from 21 participating countries, and 7.6% and 0.5% of the examined gonococcal isolates had in vitro resistance to cefixime and ceftriaxone, respectively. The rate of ciprofloxacin and azithromycin resistance was 48.7% and 5.3%, respectively. Two (0.1%) isolates displayed high-level resistance to azithromycin, i.e. a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ≥256 mg/L. The current report further highlights the public health need to implement the European response plan, including further strengthening of Euro-GASP, to control and manage the threat of multidrug resistant N. gonorrhoeae.
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- Research articles
Syphilis reinfections pose problems for syphilis diagnosis in Antwerp, Belgium – 1992 to 2012
C Kenyon , L Lynen , E Florence , S Caluwaerts , M Vandenbruaene , L Apers , P Soentjens , M Van Esbroeck and E BottieauPersons with multiple syphilis reinfections may play an important role in syphilis transmission. We analysed all syphilis tests carried out for people attending the HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinic at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium, from 1992 to 2012 to evaluate the extent to which syphilis reinfections were contributing to the syphilis epidemic in Antwerp. We then characterised the features of the syphilis infections in individuals with five or more episodes of syphilis. A total of 729 syphilis episodes were diagnosed in 454 persons. The majority of syphilis episodes occurred in people who had more than one episode of syphilis (445/729; 61%). A total of 10 individuals had five or more episodes of syphilis diagnosed over this period. All were men who have sex with men, HIV positive and on antiretroviral therapy. They had a total of 52 episodes of syphilis diagnosed and treated. In 38/42 of the episodes of repeat syphilis in these 10 individuals, they presented without any signs or symptoms of syphilis. Given that the majority of cases of incident syphilis in our clinic were persons with reinfections and that they frequently presented without signs of symptoms of syphilis, there is a strong case for frequent and repeated screening in all persons with a diagnosis of syphilis.
Whole genome sequencing reveals potential spread of Clostridium difficile between humans and farm animals in the Netherlands, 2002 to 2011
C W Knetsch , T R Connor , A Mutreja , S M van Dorp , I M Sanders , H P Browne , D Harris , L Lipman , E C Keessen , J Corver , E J Kuijper and T D LawleyFarm animals are a potential reservoir for human Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), particularly PCR ribotype 078 which is frequently found in animals and humans. Here, whole genome single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis was used to study the evolutionary relatedness of C. difficile 078 isolated from humans and animals on Dutch pig farms. All sequenced genomes were surveyed for potential antimicrobial resistance determinants and linked to an antimicrobial resistance phenotype. We sequenced the whole genome of 65 C. difficile 078 isolates collected between 2002 and 2011 from pigs (n?=?19), asymptomatic farmers (n?=?15) and hospitalised patients (n?=?31) in the Netherlands. The collection included 12 pairs of human and pig isolates from 2011 collected at 12 different pig farms. A mutation rate of 1.1 SNPs per genome per year was determined for C. difficile 078. Importantly, we demonstrate that farmers and pigs were colonised with identical (no SNP differences) and nearly identical (less than two SNP differences) C. difficile clones. Identical tetracycline and streptomycin resistance determinants were present in human and animal C. difficile 078 isolates. Our observation that farmers and pigs share identical C. difficile strains suggests transmission between these populations, although we cannot exclude the possibility of transmission from a common environmental source.
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