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- Volume 19, Issue 43, 30/Oct/2014
Eurosurveillance - Volume 19, Issue 43, 30 October 2014
Volume 19, Issue 43, 2014
- Rapid communications
Recent evidence of underestimated circulation of hepatitis C virus intergenotypic recombinant strain RF2k/1b in the Rhône-Alpes region, France, January to August 2014: implications for antiviral treatment
C Ramière , P Tremeaux , A Caporossi , M A Trabaud , F Lebossé , F Bailly , M A Thélu , J Nana , V Leroy , P Morand , P André and S LarratSince the beginning of 2014, hepatitis C virus (HCV) recombinant forms RF2k/1b have been detected in the Rhône-Alpes French region in 10 patients originating from the Caucasus area. Circulation of this particular HCV strain is very likely to be underestimated. It is also prone to be misgenotyped when using genotyping methods based on the 5' region of the viral genome, which may lead to suboptimal treatment. .
Exceptionally low rotavirus incidence in the Netherlands in 2013/14 in the absence of rotavirus vaccination
S Hahné , M Hooiveld , H Vennema , A van Ginkel , H de Melker , J Wallinga , W van Pelt and P Bruijning-VerhagenAn unexpected drop in rotavirus (RV) detections was observed in the Netherlands in 2014, without RV vaccination. The estimated decrease in RV detections and gastroenteritis consultations in under five year-olds, in January-April 2014, compared to the same months in previous years, was 72% and 36%, respectively. The low birth rate, mild winter, high RV incidence in the previous year and the introduction of RV vaccination in neighbouring countries may have contributed to this decrease. .
Identification of verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O117:H7 in men who have sex with men, England, November 2013 to August 2014
Between November 2013 and August 2014, nine cases of verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O117:H7 VT1 were confirmed in adult men. Further investigation using semi-structured interviews revealed that eight cases were United Kingdom (UK)-born men who have sex with men (MSM) who had sexually acquired infection in the UK. Most were HIV-positive with high numbers of sexual partners. This behavioural profile resembles that associated with the recent rapid increase in other sexually acquired infections in MSM.
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- Research articles
Control of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae: a region-wide intervention
Starting in 2010, there was a sharp increase in infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae resistant to carbapenems in the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy. A region-wide intervention to control the spread of carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae (CPKP) in Emilia-Romagna was carried out, based on a regional guideline issued in July 2011. The infection control measures recommended to the Health Trusts (HTs) were: phenotypic confirmation of carbapenemase production, active surveillance of asymptomatic carriers and contact isolation precautions for carriers. A specific surveillance system was activated and the implementation of control measures in HTs was followed up. A significant linear increase of incident CPKP cases over time (p<0.001) was observed at regional level in Emilia-Romagna in the pre-intervention period, while the number of cases remained stable after the launch of the intervention (p=0.48). Considering the patients hospitalised in five HTs that provided detailed data on incident cases, a downward trend was observed in incidence after the release of the regional guidelines (from 32 to 15 cases per 100,000 hospital patient days). The spread of CPKP in Emilia-Romagna was contained by a centrally-coordinated intervention. A further reduction in CPKP rates might be achieved by increased compliance with guidelines and specific activities of antibiotic stewardship.
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- Surveillance and outbreak reports
Outbreak of hepatitis A infection associated with the consumption of frozen berries, Ireland, 2013 - linked to an international outbreak
In May 2013, a European alert was issued regarding a hepatitis A virus (HAV) outbreak in Italy. In June 2013, HAV subgenotype IA with an identical sequence was identified in Ireland in three cases who had not travelled to Italy. The investigation consisted of descriptive epidemiology, a case-control study, microbiological testing of human and food specimens, molecular typing of positive specimens and food traceback. We identified 21 outbreak cases (14 confirmed primary cases) with symptom onset between 31 January and 11 October 2013. For the case-control study, we recruited 11 confirmed primary cases and 42 matched controls. Cases were more likely than controls to have eaten berry cheesecake (matched odds ratio (mOR):?12; 95% confidence interval (CI):?1.3-114), whole frozen berries (mOR: 9.5; 95% CI: 1.0-89), yoghurt containing frozen berries (mOR:?6.6, 95% CI:?1.2-37) or raw celery (mOR:?4; 95% CI: 1.2-16). Among cases, 91% had consumed at least one of four products containing frozen berries (mOR:?12; 95% CI: 1.5-94). Sixteen food samples tested were all negative for HAV. As products containing frozen berries were implicated in the outbreak, the public were advised to heat-treat frozen berries before consumption. .
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- Perspectives
Three simultaneous, food-borne, multi-country outbreaks of hepatitis A virus infection reported in EPIS-FWD in 2013: what does it mean for the European Union?
C M Gossner and E SeveriBetween March and May 2013, three multi-country outbreaks of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection were reported through the Epidemic Intelligence Information System for Food- and Water-borne diseases (EPIS-FWD) of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The aim of this work is to put these outbreaks into a European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) perspective and highlight opportunities for improving detection and investigation of such outbreaks. Although HAV outbreaks are not unusual in the EU/EEA, having three large food-borne multi-country outbreaks declared within three months is an unexpected event, particularly when at least two of these outbreaks are associated with frozen berries. Factors influencing the occurrence of these events include the increased number of susceptible Europeans, the limited coverage of HAV vaccination, the global trade of potentially contaminated products introduced in the EU/EEA, and the 'awareness chain effect' leading to a wave of notifications. Further studies should be conducted to understand the risk posed by frozen berries. Laboratory capacity and surveillance of viral infections in the EU/EEA, as well as HAV vaccination recommendations to travellers to endemic countries should be strengthened. Finally, timely reporting food-borne events through EPIS-FWD, to ensure timely response. .
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