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- Volume 18, Issue 41, 10/Oct/2013
Eurosurveillance - Volume 18, Issue 41, 10 October 2013
Volume 18, Issue 41, 2013
- Rapid communications
Hajj pilgrims’ knowledge about Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, August to September 2013
P Gautret , S Benkouiten , I Salaheddine , K Belhouchat , T Drali , P Parola and P BrouquiIn preparation for Hajj 2013, 360 French pilgrims were interviewed regarding their knowledge about Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Respondents were aged 20-85 years, male-female ratio was 1.05:1; 64.7% were aware of the MERS situation in Saudi Arabia; 35.3% knew about the Saudi Ministry of Health recommendations for at-risk pilgrims to postpone participation in the 2013 Hajj. None of 179 at-risk individuals (49.9%) decided to cancel their Hajj participation even after advice during consultation. .
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- Research articles
Late season interim estimates of influenza vaccine effectiveness reliably predict end of season estimates in Victoria, Australia, 2007 to 2012
S G Sullivan and H KellyTwice each year the World Health Organization makes a recommendation for the composition of the influenza vaccine, based on circulating strains of influenza A(H3N2), A(H1N1) and B. Strain selection has always been based on immunogenicity studies with limited human data. Immunogenicity can be considered as a proxy for vaccine effectiveness (VE). However, only interim VE estimates for the target hemisphere can be considered in time for the strain selection meeting. Using surveillance data from Victoria, Australia, we retrospectively estimated and compared interim and final VE estimates for 2007 to 2012. In general, interim estimates were within five percentage points of final estimates. However, estimates made too early or in years of low influenza activity may be unreliable.
A dynamic case definition is warranted for adequate notification in an extended epidemic setting: the Dutch Q fever outbreak 2007–2009 as exemplar
Q fever is a notifiable disease in the Netherlands: laboratories are obliged to notify possible cases to the Municipal Health Services. These services then try to reconfirm cases with additional clinical and epidemiological data and provide anonymised reports to the national case register of notifiable diseases. Since the start of the 2007-2009 Dutch Q fever outbreak, notification rules remained unchanged, despite new laboratory insights and altered epidemiology. In this study, we retrospectively analysed how these changes influenced the proportion of laboratory-defined acute Q fever cases (confirmed, probable and possible) that were included in the national case register, during (2009) and after the outbreak (2010 and 2011). The number of laboratory-defined cases notified to the Municipal Health Services was 377 in2009, 96 in 2010 and 50 in 2011. Of these, 186 (49.3%) in 2009, 12 (12.5%) in 2010 and 9 (18.0%) in 2011 were confirmed as acute infection by laboratory interpretation. The proportion of laboratory-defined acute Q fever cases that was reconfirmed by the Municipal Health Services and that were included in the national case register decreased from 90% in 2009, to 22% and 24% in 2010 and 2011, respectively. The decrease was observed in all categories of cases, including those considered to be confirmed by laboratory criteria. Continued use of a pre-outbreak case definition led to over-reporting of cases to the Municipal Health Services in the post-epidemic years. Therefore we recommend dynamic laboratory notification rules, by reviewing case definitions periodically in an ongoing epidemic, as in the Dutch Q fever outbreak. .
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