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- Volume 16, Issue 38, 22/Sep/2011
Eurosurveillance - Volume 16, Issue 38, 22 September 2011
Volume 16, Issue 38, 2011
- Editorials
- Research articles
Clinical, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic abnormalities in Latin American migrants with newly diagnosed Chagas disease 2005-2009, Barcelona, Spain
Following Latin American migration, Chagas disease has inevitably appeared in non-endemic countries in Europe and elsewhere. New policies are necessary to prevent transmission in those countries but the long, often undetected chronic period of the early stages of the disease also renders epidemiological studies important. The main objective of our study was to determine the presence of clinical, electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiographic abnormalities in a population of Latin American migrants infected with Trypanosoma cruzi at the moment of diagnosis. We performed a hospital-based observational study of 100 adult patients with newly diagnosed Chagas infection between January 2005 and December 2009. Thirty-seven patients were classified within the Brazilian Consensus on Chagas cardiomyopathy early cardiac stages (A or B1) and 49 presented pathological findings (stage B2) according to the Panamerican Health Organization Classification. Overall, 49 patients showed ECG and/or echocardiographic alterations. The presence of ECG and ecocardiographic alterations were significantly associated (p=0.038). The most frequent ECG and echocardiographic findings were right bundle branch block (12 cases) and impaired left ventricular wall relaxation (24 cases), respectively. In conclusion, ECG and echocardiographic alterations coherent with Chagas cardiomyopathy were found in a large proportion of newly diagnosed Latin American migrants infected with T. cruzi. In the mid-term, Chagas disease might become an important cause of chronic cadiomyopathy in our attendance area.
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- Perspectives
Targeted screening and health education for Chagas disease tailored to at-risk migrants in Spain, 2007 to 2010
M Navarro , A Perez-Ayala , A Guionnet , J A Pérez-Molina , B Navaza , L Estévez , F Norman , M Flores-Chávez and R Lopez-VelezChagas disease is endemic in Latin America, but migration has expanded the disease's geographical limits. Spain is the most affected country in Europe. From 2007, a specific Chagas disease programme aimed at at-risk migrants was developed in three Spanish cities (Madrid, Jerez de la Frontera and Alicante). The objectives of the programme were to increase participants' knowledge and decrease their fears about the disease and to encourage them to undergo screening for Trypanosoma cruzi infection. The programme was specially focused on migrants from Bolivia and Latin American women of childbearing age. Culturally tailored interventions were carried out in non-clinical settings. A total of 276 migrants were screened using a rapid immunochromatographic test following talks on the disease: the results were then later confirmed by standard serological tests. Of those tested, 44 (15.9%) were confirmed cases of Chagas disease. All of them came from Bolivia and a quarter were pregnant women. Of the 44 cases, 31 were later followed up at a specialised Chagas disease clinic. We consider that the adaptation of the programme to the target population's needs and collaboration with non-governmental organisations and migrants' associations contributed to the acceptance of the programme and the increasing number of patients seen at a specialised clinic. .
The current screening programme for congenital transmission of Chagas disease in Catalonia, Spain
Due to considerable numbers of migrants from Chagas disease-endemic countries living in Catalonia, the Catalonian Health Department has recently implemented a screening programme for preventing congenital transmission, targeting Latin American pregnant women who attend antenatal consultations. Diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in women is based on two positive serological tests. Screening of newborns from mothers with positive serology is based on a parasitological test during the first 48 hours of life and/or conventional serological analysis at the age of nine months. If either of these tests is positive, treatment with benznidazole is started following the World Health Organization's recommendations. The epidemiological surveillance of the programme is based on the Microbiological Reporting System of Catalonia, a well established network of laboratories. Once a positive case is reported, the responsible physician is asked to complete a structured epidemiological questionnaire. Clinical and demographic data are registered in the Voluntary Case Registry of Chagas Disease, a database administered by the Catalonian Health Department. It is expected that this programme will improve the understanding of the real burden of Chagas disease in the region. Furthermore, this initiative could encourage the implementation of similar programmes in other regions of Spain and even in other European countries. .
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- Surveillance and outbreak reports
Surveillance of Chagas disease in pregnant women in Madrid, Spain, from 2008 to 2010
One of the most important modes of transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in areas where it is not endemic is vertical transmission: from mother to child. The objective of this report is to assess the efficacy of different programmes of serological screening to monitor infection with T. cruzi in pregnant Latin American women living in Madrid (Spain). To achieve this, a retrospective study was undertaken from January 2008 to December 2010 in seven hospitals in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Serological screening programmes were classified in two main strategies: a selective one (pregnant women from Bolivia) and a universal one (pregnant women from Latin America). A total of 3,839 pregnant women were tested and the overall prevalence was 3.96%. The rate of congenital transmission was 2.6%. The current monitoring programmes have variable coverage ranging between 26% (selective screening) and 100% (universal screening). Monitoring of pregnant women from Latin America only reaches full coverage if universal screening of pregnant women is carried out at any moment of pregnancy, including at delivery. A common national regulation is necessary in order to ensure homogenous implementation of screening.
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